Don’t worry, i’m using scripting support because i want to know if a script can fix it
Hello ! recently, i saw many topics on reddit and twitter about a problem I have: A Bypassed Audio that sends you a virus, to access roblox http folder or discord cache… yeah, it’s kinda strange
and, this virus got send to me by an audio, it’s very strange…
I don’t know what is the audio but, is it possible to check if an audio is a real audio or bypassed audio to stop this trojan being sent to players in a game ?
A dangerous virus can be sent by playing a game… it is dangerous… look at this guys, the virus affects discord cache
Yes, i know, you can just remove the virus but then it pop up again after some hours…
So, first, i tried to check on devforum, twitter, reddit and youtube how to check if the audio is a bypassed audio or not, but nothing fixes my problem…
I don’t know the bypassed audio id, then it can be hard to fix it.
So, i got the virus my playing a “free radio game”, and a bacon hair literally injected the virus to everyone in the game, include me, by finishing with a beautiful “get hacked lol” in the chat…
I tried multiple codes to check if the is blank or loud using Sound.PlayBackLoudness, but then the script can maybe block normal audios…
Thanks for helping, Have a good day !