So, I’m trying to make a gui’s text change but rblx can’t find it for some reason.
towers.Info_Frame.NAME = "Chad"
The “towers” variable is screengui.Store
Other than “NAME”, other text labels such as “Text_Button” loads fine. Using :WaitForChild() didn’t work either.
October 7, 2021, 9:13am
You forgot about .Text
Your version doesn’t work because Roblox trying to find property ‘NAME’ in Info_Frame, but Frame doesn’t have property ‘NAME’
towers.Info_Frame.NAME.Text = "Chad"
Bruh, I’m literally so stupid. I thought I already wrote that lol. My bad, I’m genuinely pissed off at my own stupidity
October 7, 2021, 9:20am
Make sure you mark him as the solution, please.