Roblox Card Legacies DevLog #1

After months of work, it’s finally time to post a devlog and get some feedback :partying_face::partying_face:!

Roblox Card Legacies is a WIP trading card and dice game. The game is based off of a real life card game which I enjoy. I know some of you just want to see what I’ve done, but if your interested and would like a brief (I guess?) description of the rules, then here you go.

Rules (only if your very interested)

Note: I will exclude certain aspects of the game that are hard to understand because everything would take ages to explain.
Also Note: Not all of this is scripted yet, it is the goal though.

This is going to sound very confusing without visuals. If you are going to read this I’d recommend looking below where the game is showcased to get some.


Each player has their own customizable deck. The deck must contain one or more characters. Each character has a die/dice that correspond with it. They also have a deck of twenty cards (I think). They start out with a hand of 5 cards. To decide who will have the first turn, the players must roll all the dice for all their characters. The player who has the highest value on their dice gets the initiative. (These aren’t normal dice, by the way, but they still show numbers on most sides).

The players take turns, starting with the player who has initiative. On a player’s turn they can perform one action. Here are some common actions:

1. Activate a character
2. Activate a support
3. Play a card
4. Resolve a dice


1. Activate a character
If you decide to activate one of your characters, you must roll all the character’s dice and it’s upgrade dice. Place these dice above your character. This is called your dice pool. (You use dice in your dice pool when you resolve a die (see below). This character is now exhausted (it cannot roll again untill the next round)
2. Activate a support
A support must be in play to be activated. When you activate a support, exhaust it and roll it’s corresponding dice. Place them above the support in it’s dice pool.
3. Play a card
When the player plays a card, the following actions depend on what type of card the card they want to play is.

There are three main types of cards in a deck:

  • Events

    Events are the most common type of card. There is not much special about them. To play them, you must spend resources equal to the card’s resource cost, (found in the top right of the card on the crate image), and follow the instructions on the card.

  • Supports

    Supports are much different from events. They are almost like characters except they can be played and cannot take damage. However, they do use their own dice and are played on the field much like characters. When you play a support you must spend resources equal to the resource cost shown on the card and place it on your field beside your characters. Supports can be activated like characters.

  • Upgrades

    Upgrades have their own die/dice just like supports and characters. To play an upgrade card, you must spend resources equal to the resource cost shown on the card and then attach it to one of your characters. The character it is attached to gets the upgrades dice added to their dice collection. When the character is activated, the upgrade’s dice and the character’s dice are rolled.

4. Resolve a die
For an action, a player may choose to resolve a dice from any die pool on their side of the playfield. The dice is removed from its die pool and the following functions depend on what is showing on the die’s top side.

  • Melee Damage (swords). Deals damage to a character.
  • Ranged Damage (gun). Deals damage to a character.
  • Shield (shield symbol). Adds one “shield” to a friendly character. Shields block incoming damage.
  • Resource (crate). Provides resources.
  • Focus (green arrows in a circle). Turn any die to a side of your choice.
  • Discard (card symbol). Force your opponent to discard a random card.
  • Disrupt (red circle with a line through it). Force your opponent to lose resources.
  • Blank (red with a negative symbol through it) Does nothing.

For the rest of you, here is a quick overview of what happens in the game so you can appreciate what I’ve made:


Each player has characters and a deck. The players take turns rolling dice or playing upgrade, event, or support cards from their hands. Different dice rolls can do different things, such as deal damage or block damage. Cards can add more dice to the game and change dice rolls among a number of things.


I started development with my good friend WackyWafflerz back in May of 2021, but, unfortunately, he quit. (Don’t worry I wasn’t paying him or anything). Most of what I’ve scripted is backend programming since I sort of stink at frontend programming, UI Design, building, modeling, you get the idea. (If your a frontend scripter or a UI designer or investor that’s is intrigued by this I might consider working with you.) Anyway, I’ve pretty much been working on this project by myself for the past 3-4 months but I’ve enjoyed it immensely.

Current features

Ok now you get to see some stuff. Here are some of the main things I’ve created.

  • The frameworks of a queue system for finding matches
  • A total of 19 cards (They aren’t actually scripted yet but a lot of the functions they will use are.)
  • The basics of a 1v1 battle

Queue System

So I made a basic menu. (The white background is going to be an image (Most Likely a GFX or something.)

Once you hit play, you’re shown this menu

Created queues will be shown in this scrolling frame.

Here is a video showing what creating a queue is like.
Queue Create.wmv (294.5 KB)

Once a queue is created, it is displayed like this. (I probably burned a few UI designer’s eyes just now. It’s not supposed to look good; I just needed somewhere to present the data.) Once two players have joined the queue, they are teleported to a different place where the battle is performed.

More info

The first piece of data is the number of players currently in the queue / needed players to begin
The second piece of data is the host of the queue.
The third piece of data is the availability (Public or Friends Only.)
The fourth piece is the required level to join.
And the last piece is the time untill it begins (I may get rid of that because I’m not sure how it would be useful.)


Currently, 19 different card have been created (Some were created by my friend). I’m going to present the card layout and the card images separately because it will be easier for me. I am probably going to change the layout to look better or hire someone to do it for me sometime. Again, I wasn’t trying to make this look pretty, I needed somewhere to put the data.

Here is the current layout

Here is an example of what it looks like with all the data. The dice side images are very bad as I took them from the library but I’ll make my own eventually. (This is an upgrade card as you can see from the “species” section)

Alright, here are all of the card images. I’m going to list a few before putting them in a drop down menu because I don’t want the post to be to long.

Beginners Luck

Ominous Presence

Protective Spellbook

Loyal Bodyguards

More Images

Animatronic Arsenal

Commander Noob


Cross the Border

Direct Hit

Evade (This one is kinda bad)

Extra Supplies

First Strike


Gatling Gun

Ghost Guest

Guest Soldier


Invest Robux

Locked and Loaded

Noob God
Noob god

Spectral Hair


Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning


Yes, I know that I could make them all the same size but that’s extra work, ew.

1v1 Battle System (WIP)

Versus Screen
Once the players are teleported and loaded it, this loading screen tweens in. This time I actually tried to make it look decent.

The areas circled in purple are where the player’s headshot would appear. They are empty because I’m using the test players.

If you want to see how it tweens, here is a video. Unfortunately, the sound is way off because Roblox Studio’s recording quality stinks.
Versus Screen Video.wmv (841.3 KB)

Gameplay Layout
Here is the current layout of the game. It’s not meant to be pretty yet, only functional.

The Hand
The part I circled is the hand

The player can only see the very tops of the cards untill the player hovers their mouse over the portion of the hand that is visible. The hand will then slide upwards untill it looks like this.

If the player moves their mouse outside of the hand area again, it will slide back down.
The Hand Video.wmv (1.1 MB)
I also made a music track in the background, you may have noticed.

More hand features

Playing and drawing cards
When a player plays a card, all cards to the right of the card the player played, slide over (to keep everything left-aligned). A light blur is added to draw attention to the card. The card tweens to the right and it’s script runs (currently nothing happens because I havn’t scripted the card scripts yet.) After it is done running, it tweens down to the discard and is placed in the discard pile.
Card Play.wmv (747.6 KB

Drawing a card simply plays a short audio and inserts the card into the player’s hand. (Not worth a video.)

Card Zoom
Some of you may be thinking that some parts of a card in the hand are hard to read. Because of this, a player can zoom in on any card in their hand by right clicking it. The zoom will go away if the player right clicks again, or moves their mouse away from the card.
Hand Zoom.wmv (481.9 KB)

Dice Roll
This was by far the hardest thing for me to program. When a player left clicks one of their characters, they can roll those character’s dice. It would be hard to show through pictures so I’ll just send a video.
Dice Roll.wmv (1.1 MB)

More Character Features

Hover Zoom
When a player hovers their mouse over a character (theirs or their opponent’s), they will get a larger copy of the card locked on their mouse untill their mouse leaves the character.
Character Zoom.wmv (489.7 KB)

Resolving Dice
You may need to read some of the rules to understand what’s going on here. A player can click a dice in one of their dice pools. (Currently, there is no option to resolve multiple dice of the same symbol but there will be eventually.) The die raises in the air, turns into some weird particle effect (Best I could do with my bad front end design skills), and does one of two things

1. Floats upward and scatters
2. Moves to a certain position of the field. (This happens if it has a specific target that isn’t a GUI such as a character card.)

And yes, I did script every type of die value but this post is already long enough (see rules for different die values.)

Dice Resolve Disperse.wmv (231.9 KB)
You may notice the red outline that appears on the player’s opponent’s characters on this next one. I am quite proud of this but not sure if it looks good. Please let me know what you think in the replies!
Dice Resolve Select.wmv (794.4 KB)

Resource/Turn Indicator
These are the Resource/Turn Indicators.

You may notice there are two, one for the player, and one for the player’s opponent. You may also notice that one is slightly bigger and has more color than the other. This is because it is that player’s turn. If the player’s indicator is colored, it is their turn, if their opponent’s is colored, it’s their opponent’s turn. The turn changes every time a player completes a action (such as playing a card, rolling a character’s dice ect.) If you want to see them in action, just watch one of the videos above.

They also act as an indicator of your resources. If you’ve read the rules, you know that some cards take resources to play. Your number of resources is displayed beside the crate icon on your indicator and your opponent’s are displayed on theirs.


Yes, I’m finally done. I’d love to hear any questions, comments, criticism, encouragement, poems, or anything else you can throw at me in the replies. (Seriously, I’m not joking about the poems. Dense Forest, in the middle of Nowhere - #6 by JamminRedPandaMan).

If you’d like to keep up to date on this project you can join the Roblox Group or the discord server: W8BkckG7vJ

Want to contribute your opinions?

I’m still deciding on the class colors. Go here to place your vote:
How should I color-code these fighter classes?


Anyone got feedback on my work for me?

I think it looks really nice. The UI could use some work but other than that I can see a community being created around your game. Keep up the nice work :slight_smile:

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I really like dis! The card images are cool too but some could use some work like

I can see the humanoid name thing on this one and

The lighting is kinda weird here

Noice tho!

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Thank you! I didn’t notice the humanoid name untill you mentioned it. I’ll need to update the image.

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Thank you for your feedback. I greatly appreciate it!

By the way, if your wondering why there is a decal with the “Star Wars” logo on it, that’s because I was originally planning to make it a Star Wars card game but decided against it because copyright. I’m to lazy to change the decal right now though. :rofl: