Roblox Catalog API Service (403)

This is going to be a complicated one

So I’ve been recently trying to make a bot (Using node.js) that can access the catalog assets API and give details about them, I’ve figured how to make simple GET requests but POST requests were very confusing to me, so the API I was trying to use is /v1/catalog/items/details but well even thought it’s supposed to only give data for some reason it’s a POST request which is really confusing me, so when I finally figured out how to make the post request I was greeted with error 403, I then later realized I needed a key so I reached to the Roblox API key service to get a key which I gave the Assets API system and whitelisted every IP using

But even after all this struggle I keep getting error 403.

Here is the code snippet incase you want it:

        const url = '' 
		const config = {
  			headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    			'x-api-key': 'The key haha im not gonna give it to you'
		const json = {
 	    "items": [
        	"itemType": 1,
       		id: assetid
		}, json, config)
			 .then(response => {
        	.catch(error => {
