Roblox change its camera input module, and broke my camera rotation

Hey everyone, roblox released an update several days back which somehow broke the default camera input module .getRotationActived function. What it was supposed to do is that it basically simulates holding right click on your mouse, and rotates players camera just by moving the mouse, but after that update, everytime I call this function, the mouse gets permanently stuck at its current position AND CANNOT BE UNSTUCK UNTIL REJOIN.

And yes, I am ABSOLUTELY sure that the module is the cause of it. I’ve did several test and it is absolutely an issue with the function.

by the way, this is how I used the function:

local function camRotToggle(bool:boolean)
	CameraInput.getRotationActivated = function()
		return bool

btw the whole thing worked like week or two ago, so I don’t think its a problem on my side really.

If anyone knows how to fix it, or by any chance has the complete camera module with all of its descendands saved somewhere so I could use it instead of the new broken one, I would be really thankful.

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