Hello. Since I’ve started developing certain game, I’ve been encountering certain difficulties regarded mainly w/ the Roblox Physics, whereas the Player keep jumping next to an collidable wall/object, you have certain chance of being flung, and that’s bothering not only me, but certain players who are bound to encounter with this problem.
My game uses an Motor6D’d sword system which I think the problem is located to. Whatsoever, I have another game which the problem doesn’t seem to occur, where I weld parts to the Character using Motor6D.
I have tried messing with changing character’s Mass, Changing it’s Physical Properties, Changing the sword’s hitbox size, making the sword’s hitbox and it’s descendants massless, changing the Physical Properties of the sword’s hitbox and it’s descendants, making it’s collision group the same as the characters’, yet it still didn’t seem to solve my problem.
Have in mind that I use custom animations on the game, whereas I highly doubt it being the problem’s root, as in other games where I still used Motor6D’s on the character, it didn’t have this problem.
Here’s a video of the problem.
In case you wish to check out the character and it’s sword, here you go:
Tsugeru.rbxm (55.4 KB)
With Grace,