For the past hour or so, I and many others have been experiencing an issue where we spawn as noobs. It started where everyone had no textures, and now its evolved so everyone looks like a noob. This only is occuring inside the game client, everything is fine on the website.
You got a problem with noobs?
Is this happening in a specific game? Or is this happening throughout multiple games?
Its happening through several games. Jailbreak and murder mystery for me, ive seen other people showing screenshots from other games
It’s happening in my games and its a bit detrimental as I’m running a community event that’s been planned for months D: The server keeps crashing.
I think this is widespread server outage:
Lots of errors, games dropping left, right and center. Mostly characters failing to load.
Studio is unusable at the moment also.
I can confirm this is happening multiple games right now. I also been getting reports of this in the morning, but didn’t know that it was happening in other games as well.
I think this post should be switched to ROBLOXURGENT if that method still exist.
Oh hey steve. Keep up the good work with Heists
Yeah thats what I thought it was.
It appears that Roblox’s webservice is running slow right now. There are issues with :GetCharacterAppearanceAsync. As far as I can tell, Datastores seem to be fine.
[06/21/2018 - 14:53.37] Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync() failed because HTTP 0 (CURL error (curl_easy_perform): Timeout was reached (28)) (ServerScriptService.AutoUpdateContributors, line 41)
[06/21/2018 - 14:57.26] Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync() failed because HTTP 0 (HTTP 503 (HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable)) (ServerScriptService.AutoUpdateContributors, line 41)
[06/21/2018 - 15:02.37] Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync() failed because HTTP 0 (HTTP 500 (HTTP/1.1 500 InternalServerError)) (ServerScriptService.AutoUpdateContributors, line 41)
Seems roblox just shut down all servers… Holy crap its going to be slow with all those people rejoining
I think this qualifies as Roblox Critical as it effects multiple games and is now causing the studio to not load.
However it appears to have fixed now in my game!
The shutdown seems to have fixed the issue, and the lag I was experiencing earlier
Probably servers malfunctioning a bit, hehe. It’ll be over sooner or later, and it was over when I posted this.
It’s happening again…
Studio is down as well
Studio is unbelievably slow right now for me.
I just saw that all characters turned grey.
…and then into noobs
But it all seems to be fine now.
Been seeing this issue in almost every game I play. It’s definitely a Roblox issue.