Roblox Chat Glitch in my game

I type / to type and it keeps my / and I do /hello it keeps the / isnt it supposed to remove it? is it a bug, glitch or an error in my script.


What are you saying???

If you type “/hello” into the chat it doesn’t remove the “/”, it’s not a bug.

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I think he means something like the “/e dance” command, which disappears from chat when you execute it. I don’t think this is achievable, though, as I think CoreScripts use it.

(@Rapid_Gaming22 Correct me if I’m wrong though)

I press / to start chatting you know, it then adds / to my message

Could be a hardware issue with your keyboard, it could be doubling the /.

I see.

What kind of scripts could be interfering with this? I would take a look at those.

i dont know tho…

i will take a look soon

This is the new Roblox chat being dumb. Not your fault at all

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This is happening in my game as well, for some reason not me, but for other players. I believe what O3_O2 said is true.


It depends on what language your keyboard is in. For me the key is “-” and for others it’s “/” or nothing.

Ok, will roblox fix this or not?

I don’t know, Roblox can be pretty inconsistent at times.

This already has been reported, wait for a fix.

it’s not a bug, it automatically does that when your game have TextChatService.ChatVersion = Enum.ChatVersion.TextChatService and remove the “/” when you type in stuff