Roblox Chat System Restricting Certain Players from seeing certain other players text

Hey there, I’m making a social deduction game in which players die, I’m just trying to set up a system so that if for example if Player.PlayerData.Dead.Value == his messages won’t be received by other players, I’ve already forked the roblox chat system and all that stuff I’m just trying to figure out where I can like receive players messages so I can actually put an if statement that will do what I said above, if anyone knows how to do this (similar to murder mystery) thatd be appreciated ty

Perhaps this post could help?

Just reroute the channels around, disabling players of a certain detail from accessing a channel. Yes, Roblox Chat System features channels if I reckon that correctly.

Yes I believe so, But I’m not sure if this will work due to the fact that if It was as simple as channels I could just have a dead and alive channel, but I need dead players to be able to see everything the alive players are saying, and For their messages to just be removed from alive players screens, I was hoping I could just whenever someone sends a message, check if they are alive/dead

I have this post highlighted, the issue with it is that it mutes players, I want them to still be able to talk, I just need them not to be able to see certain players messages aka alive see dead