Roblox Classic Sword Not Working With FE

This question is more for the less talented developers but with roblox recently making so all games have to have fe, less talented developers are forced to turn it on, how ever if the game has the roblox classic sword and fe enabled, the sword does not work. Just something I thought I wound point out even though i dont use the roblox classic sword myself.

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Are you sure it’s the ROBLOX classic sword from the ROBLOX Set? The group I develop for use a classic sword and they seem to be working fine.

Yea im talking about the one from the roblox set one.

Do they have fe?

The group place, yes indeed. I’m opening studio to see if it does work or not.

it only fails to work in the real game, it works fine in studio.

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Confirmed using the sword in the toolbox: Repro.rbxl (19.3 KB)

The error is on line 24 of the Sword ModuleScript, which is required by LocalScript on line 7. It tries to require GLib, but the source is blank on the client. GLib’s children modules replicate their source just fine, so I’m not sure why GLib itself isn’t. This happens in both Studio and online mode.

Are you using the latest version of the ROBLOX sword? It was updated, so the one you’re using is probably the original LinkedSword.

I’m using the sword in the toolbox under ROBLOX Sets.

I got the similar error and to fix it, I put the GLib module inside the tool and had the script require the module within the tool, rather than putting in the assetid.

im just wondering if roblox could update it in the sets cuz not all developers read the dev fourms.

Not everyone reads the devforums, but also items in the ROBLOX toolbox should work out of the box. This is something that should and will be fixed – there’s no need to worry.

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