ROBLOX Client black screen for 45 seconds before loading


I’ve been having an issue with the ROBLOX game client over the past few days and I just can’t figure out what is causing it. Every time I try to join a game, the client opens up and shows a completely black window. The client is still technically responsive, I can move the window around, click inside of it, etc. Another thing to note is my cursor hides behind the black screen on the window. If I exit out of the window, the client will go back to the home page a few seconds later. After around 45 seconds, the loading screen will finally come, and the game will load and play perfectly fine.

Here is a screenshot of what the window looks like;

I’ve dealt with lots of tech problems in my life, and typically you’re able to boil certain things down based on any changes that may have been made before the problem occured. However, I hadn’t changed anything at all. I simply turned my computer off, slept, and turned it on. My graphics driver hadn’t changed, there were no Windows updates, I hadn’t downloaded anything - everything else on my computer works perfectly fine.

I’d list everything I’ve tried to solve the issue, but that would take ages. Disable antivirus, revert drivers, disable firewall, compatability settings, change storage devices, uninstall every trace of ROBLOX off my computer (including registry keys) and reinstall it, clear browser data, switch browsers, scan windows for corrupt files - … everything.

Now, let’s get into what I know. The obvious first step of diagnosis is Task Manager, however anything I tried was pointless. I noticed that when I press ‘Play’, two instances of
‘RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe’ are launched at the same time. Very quickly one instance of ‘RobloxPlayerBeta.exe’ starts, and both Launcher instances end. That one PlayerBeta instance would be the window in the screenshot. For the next 45 or so seconds, it sits in limbo using anywhere from 0% - 0.3% CPU and 240MB of Memory. After, out of nowhere, a second ‘RobloxPlayerBeta.exe’ instance appears and suddenly I am loading in the game and everything is normal.

I decided to look at the logs, figuring it would at least show me SOMETHING - even if it was understandable binary jibberish. It turns out, it barely tells me anything at all.

For the sake of security I won’t dump the entire log file in here, but I took an excerpt from the log that looks to be safe to share;

Log Excerpt
2022-11-19T01:10:17.531Z,2.531781,6748,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] vrService is created
2022-11-19T01:10:17.531Z,2.531781,6748,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] is VR connected: FALSE
2022-11-19T01:10:17.531Z,2.531781,6748,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::stepDataModelJob: No DM yet. Continue...
2022-11-19T01:10:17.539Z,2.539781,6758,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::scheduleRender: No data model. Bind workspace now...
2022-11-19T01:10:17.603Z,2.603781,6758,6 [FLog::Graphics] LayeredClothingMode updated: LC=1 HSR=1 TC2=1
2022-11-19T01:10:17.606Z,2.606781,6758,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 1002x750
2022-11-19T01:10:17.606Z,2.606781,6748,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::enableVR
2022-11-19T01:10:17.657Z,2.657850,6748,6 [FLog::UGCGameController] Game Scripts are loaded
2022-11-19T01:10:58.290Z,43.290508,1a70,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest, response:
status code: 200
httpErrorCode: 0

2022-11-19T01:10:58.290Z,43.290508,1a70,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest: requestCount: 1, url:
2022-11-19T01:10:58.290Z,43.290508,1a70,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] Delaying request by 1.00 seconds
2022-11-19T01:10:59.396Z,44.396099,1a70,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest, response:
status code: 200
httpErrorCode: 0

2022-11-19T01:10:59.396Z,44.396099,1a70,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest: requestCount: 2, url:
2022-11-19T01:10:59.396Z,44.396099,1a70,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] Delaying request by 1.00 seconds

Now I don’t have any normal working client logs to compare mine to, but I’ll say what I’ve analyzed about these. Everything seems to be working smoothly and quickly, and all of a sudden after “Game Scripts are loaded”, the log completely pauses for 40 seconds before logging a “GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest”, and then all of sudden everything just boots back up and after sending 3 different requests of those, it speeds through the rest of what it needs to do and that’s when I get in the game. Comparing multiple of these logs, that 40 second time period is shockingly consistent and is usually the same amount of time by within a second.

I was surprised to see no one has mentioned having this problem theirselves, and I figured after boiling myself out of the equation - it seemed like this was something on ROBLOX’s end. However, without anyone else seemingly having this issue, I don’t know what is causing it to happen to me. If anyone has any ideas/questions/solutions, please let me know. I appreciate it.


Seems this issue may have existed.

same here. instead of it being 45 seconds it freezes for 3 MINUTES


I’ve already tried most of these, none of them work though. Most of these types of articles are very vague, and include very basic/generic solutions. I think the weird part about this bug is that the client actually works perfectly fine eventually, but it just stops for 45 seconds (or more as seen by the user above). If it just stayed black forever, I’d assume it’s a graphics driver issue but it isn’t. The logs don’t even record anything happening at all for the 45 seconds, no errors or anything.

One thing I will say is last night the bug went away partially. If the game server I was trying to join wasn’t full, it would load up within 2 seconds of the black screen (the black screen is a common thing but only lasts a second for most). However, if the game was full, it would stay on the black screen and never show anything until the game frees up and it joins.

However, now it seems that the issue is back to square one. 45 seconds no matter what game or server, and I haven’t changed anything at all since it was working last night. The only reason I suspect my game was doing better last night was because I restarted my computer but it slowly gets worse - even though the problem still technically was there since it wasn’t displaying the full server page.


Okay, I know I just replied to this but I noticed that ROBLOX Studio is doing something very very similar. It doesn’t go black, and I enter the Studio homepage almost immediate. Once I try and open a place to edit, it freezes and - once again - takes precisely 40 seconds to load in.

The logs from Studio look like this;

2022-11-20T06:00:27.344Z,13.344606,7964,6 [FLog::UpdateUIManager] (DEPRECATED) Hiding progress for long process ([**REDACTED ID**])
2022-11-20T06:00:27.376Z,13.376512,7964,6 [FLog::Output] Info: RobloxIDEDoc::activate - start
2022-11-20T06:01:07.759Z,53.759674,7964,6 [FLog::Output] Info: RobloxMainWindow::showTabWidgets
2022-11-20T06:01:08.055Z,54.055504,7964,6 [FLog::Graphics] LayeredClothingMode updated: LC=1 HSR=1 TC2=1
2022-11-20T06:01:08.061Z,54.061481,7964,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 2333x1086

As you can see, all logs stop for 40 seconds before finally continuing. I redacted a process ID, again just for security. It’s just confusing though because where this 40 second gap happens on Studio doesn’t seem to be similar to the Client in that it doesn’t seem to be doing the same thing that would supposedly be causing this problem. In the Client it doesn’t even call a function at all before the pause, it just notes that it successfully loaded game scripts. In the Studio logs, it happens after “RobloxIDEDoc::activate - start:” which makes it seem like it is at least attempting to initiate something. The ‘RobloxIDEDoc’ term doesn’t come up at all after it says this, though.

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I am going to tentatively call this a solution, however I’m not confident it will work in the long-run.

I noticed something weird going on with the ROBLOX installs, even though they were completely fresh installs of the client, even down to the registry. Initially when I installed ROBLOX, it downloaded into my AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions folder. The RobloxPlayerBeta.exe was running off of this version at first, and I checked to make sure via Task Manager. However, somewhere between the past day or two, it installed and copy of ROBLOX under my ‘Program Files (X86)’ folder and ROBLOX started to use the ProgramFiles version instead of the AppData version. I noticed this was a thing a few days ago, but after clean reinstalling ROBLOX and still finding both, I assumed this was normal. I even deleted the entire ROBLOX folder under AppData/Local to which it just reinstalled itself back into that folder after trying to play.

I asked a friend (who has no problems with their client) about whether their ROBLOX ran on the ProgramFiles version or the AppData version, and they not only said theirs runs off of the ProgramsFiles version - they don’t even have a version of ROBLOX installed under AppData/Local. The folder exists, but there is no version of Roblox Player installed into it.

TLDR folks; this is the solution;

After hearing this, I decided to delete the VERSION FOLDER from Local AppData of the same version of the client that is also installed in ProgramFiles. Currently that folder is Roblox\Versions\version-3b33190189084158, which obviously will change after an update. Once I did that, I tried to join a game and it finally worked.

I’m still getting the issue I’ve mentioned in a reply above where it remains a black screen if you’re trying to join a full server, but otherwise it works perfectly fine. As for why that’s even happening, I have no clue - it seems the actual ROBLOX UI at the beginning does not appear. It appears like ROBLOX has updated their loading GUI, and that must be broken.

I have very little confidence that this fix will last forever. According to Windows, the version on ProgramFiles wasn’t installed until just a few hours ago, but the AppData version was installed 2 days ago. Considering it randomly installed for no particular reason makes me believe it will just randomly reinstall the AppData version. Even if this is the case though, at least I know how to instantly solve it when it does.

EDIT: I guess I spoke too soon. We are back to square one, even without the Local AppData copy after I restarted my computer. Fun.

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I have reported this bug around 15 days ago, though it hasn’t taken over 30 seconds and it happens on all server sizes.

The issue stopped happening to me around 10 days ago. Are you using the desktop app?

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I’m not using the desktop app, I’m just using the normal game client you install from the browser. Considering the commenter above said it happens to them for 3 minutes, the time may vary for different people, but for me it appears to be 45 seconds almost on the dot, according to the logs. The issue solves itself on numerous occasions (most of the time without any reason) but only lasts until I restart my PC again. Haven’t gotten anything to stick.

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That might be the issue. Does this occur on the UWP (Universal Windows Platform) app as well?

Still haven’t found a fix, however I was able to draw another connection to what could be causing it. From what I have seen, this isn’t caused by a faulty graphics driver or any specific driver version - however, whenever this issue isn’t happening to me and I update or install a new graphics driver, it will start happening once again for about a day or two and then will fix itself eventually.

I was able to boil this down because Roblox Player was working fine for me and I intentionally joined a game immediately before/after I installed a new driver and it is immediately started freezing again. Despite being on the SAME DRIVER INSTALL however, it eventually will fix itself after due time meaning it has nothing to do with the actual driver but possibly the installation of graphics drivers in general.


I’ve been suffering the same problem for the past couple months, but I just assumed it was going to go away. The only idea I think it could be is windows 11, but I don’t want to downgrade just to check. It happens on every game I join, and I recorded a video as proof of this happening

Process: Joined a game, CoreGUI stays stuck in a small ratio while the rest is a complete black screen, and it locks your mouse. Takes around 30-50 seconds before it finally starts loading the game.


Exactly what mine looks like! It used to be a fully black screen without the CoreGUI in the top left, but after some update it started doing that for me as well. It very well could be Windows 11, it’s hard to diagnose it when comparing other players specs because there are so few people running into the same bug.

I appreciate the video, though! I was going to record a video of my own but forgot to do it.

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The problem is that I either have to deal with this, or the incredibly buggy windows store app, which constantly freezes and crashes if you do anything too fast, and when it actually works, just takes way too long. And don’t even get me started on the Roblox client’s web client.

Maybe try disabling your page file. It seems like Roblox is waiting for something to load in.

old topic, but this is still happening to this day and I have yet to find someone with a solution. This has been going on for many months now.


Same here, but I found out that it isn’t just Roblox that’s being affected. Whenever my computer is in a state where this freeze starts to happen, it also causes similar issues to games like Counter Strike. I don’t know what the cause is, but it also causes the games to crash whenever I unplug/plug in a new audio device. I’ve just learned to restart my computer every time this happens and it works for the most part, but it is very annoying not knowing what the cause is.

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Yeah unfortunately restarting my PC is the only temporary fix, which is very annoying as it can still persist right after. Sometimes I have to restart my PC multiple times per day just to play Roblox without needing to wait 45 seconds to a minute to actually get into the game… (and this includes Roblox Studio) I just hope Roblox admins are aware of this, but with the amount of research I’ve done, it doesn’t seem likely.

Ok… I think I have found the reason for why this is happening, at least for me. The freezing occurred as per usual, and after some research I unplugged my mouse for a few seconds and plugged it back in. I joined a game and the freezing went away, as if I never had it. I have a Logitech mouse and I have the Logitech G Hub app installed on my computer. Perhaps it has to do with having Logitech products plugged into your PC. But after unplugging them, and plugging them back in, the problem seems to go away.

I mean it’s possible since I have a Logitech mouse with the G Hub app as well, but from my experience I don’t know if it’s correlated since the problem usually started happening after doing anything driver related. Typically when I update my graphics driver, it usually starts happening. All I know is that while the game/pc is in this state, unplugging or plugging in any audio device causes games to immediately crash. This especially sucks since I use a PS4 controller that is also recognised as an audio device because of the microphone and mini speakers built inside of it, so whenever the cable gets loose the game immediately crashes.

I’ll have to wait for it to start happening again though and see if unplugging my mouse or messing with Logitech G Hub does anything.