Roblox Client experiencing freeze & resume cycles in Windows 7 during experience gameplay

I searched the forums for anything similar, but have not seen anything mentioned, so this might be a recent change or update.

Bug Report Details: It only affects the Roblox Game Client, but not when running the same experience in Studio or Team Test for example on the very same machine. Running the same experience on Windows 10 (on the same machine) or Mobile clients like Android or iOS show no symptoms of the same freezing cycle. Also tried playing some other random experience and saw the same cycle of freezing and resuming for the Windows 7 client. To narrow down possible issues, I used my own experience for testing. First I tried disabling every client script just to see if that was the issue, but it didn’t change anything other than make the benchmark scores a little better, but the freeze and resume cycles still were there.

Where: Roblox Client

When: Everytime

Reproduction: Join any experience and play like normal or just wait a few minutes before it starts to kick in.

Environment: Windows 7 Pro, 16GB of RAM

Roblox Client Version: \AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-3aba366803e44f0e\RobloxPlayerBeta.exe

Windows 7 Client Profiling (high spiking times are when the game freezes for a moment)

Windows 10 Client Profiling (same machine, same experience, same place in experience, etc.) with no in-game freeze/resuming happening during gameplay

It turns out you don’t even need to enter a game, I ran the profiler just on the front page when you start the client without doing anything and the same pattern issue exist there, so this may not really be experience related like I thought. I have a screen-shot to show what I am referring to.

Screens-shot Below:
[Updated for Client Screenshot]

Ok, finally got what looks like a real “Client” capture that shows the spikes in it as well. It’s limited to 32 frames because anything bigger and I can’t attach it here. :melting_face:
microprofile-20231127-205257.html (5.5 MB)


Can you post a profiling capture?

Yes, I believe I can when in an experience, but does that also work while on the initial Roblox Client screen?

Honestly, Roblox should just remove support for Windows 7 and 8.x. Outdated operating systems that their support ended a while ago.

That won’t solve the issue now and it might point to an issue that exist for people running Windows 10, 11, etc. Roblox client runs considering faster in Windows 7 than Windows 10 on the same hardware, well up until recently anyway. Windows 7 still rules the speed on the Studio side. :smile:


Microprofile capture attached to the original message at the top of this topic for Windows 7 Pro.

Somehow you have only managed to capture one frame. You should dump at least 64-128 frames.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

When I press the start capture button, it only does one frame? Am I missing a configuration somewhere to make this higher. I agree, 1 frame won’t give much help to the devs. :melting_face:

Ok, did a really long capture right through the CPU blips, hopefully that is more useful. I didn’t realize when I did a capture before that it was defaulting to 1 frame. I set it for 60 frames per second and 5 seconds long, so I watched it capture right through the blips. :melting_face:

I think you’re taking a server capture (No graphics activity). Are you using Ctrl + F6 on the client? The option to dump is in the narrow topbar by the framerate graph.

Ok, I’ll try that and post that file. Since it said client capture, I figured it was for the client, but I guess I was wrong. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
[edit] I see, it’s a shortcut to the same profiler, ok, I did a dump this time that is hopefully the correct capture, lol. :melting_face:
[edit2] Dang it, it’s too big to post here, lol. I’ll make a smaller capture.
[edit3] Ok, finally got a capture small enough to post, limited to 32 frames because anything bigger won’t fit here.

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Any updates on this? This is affecting a lot of games that have mid-large maps and it’s making it harder to achieve a consistent FPS on them.

Played a Roblox game called Frontlines on Windows 7 and I get constant stuttering, making it unplayable.