Roblox client has a chance to not open

I have no visual aids
This bug has happened to multiple users and ME

(this includes multiple bugs but im just talking about the first bug that he talked about)
System Information: Windows 10, AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor, 32.0 GB, NVIDA GeForce RTX 2070
Chrome 131 on Windows 10

Expected behavior

I would be able to go on games without the roblox client not opening, so that i can play games without a huge delay


I noticed this too and thought I was going crazy, I click play, it shows me the “download roblox if you don’t have it screen”, a few seconds pass by and it closes without opening roblox.

This doesn’t happen to specific games it happens to all games, but it’s very rare, usually happens once or twice a day


i have been encountering this error these days

You need to attach your log files, to speed up the triage process. Roblox is working fine on my end.