Roblox client issue or my script issue

lorem ipsum

you forgot the player parameter

script.Parent.GRABBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, part,pos)

without that the server script fails and there is no replication. That’s why the strange behaviour.

“yo” is the player parameter.

I dont really see why you must have a RemoteEvent set to Apply a Position to the Part, just set Network Ownership to the Player who Grabbed the Part, that way it would Replicate to the Server automatically, plus would be smoother

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Call it on the server when somebody grabs it.


Is it showing any errors in the output?

I don’t understand what you mean but the first parameter of the ¨OnServerEvent¨ event should be player, instead you are using a part and changing its position, that definitely causes an error in the server script.

From this I deduce that your script is in ReplicatedStorage so it is not running. Print something at the beginning of the server script to be sure.


ok this shows up now.

According to your video, this is probably a physics issue.

no no sorry it turns out it was my script, i had it in replicatedstorage, the last thing i need to do to fix it is the remotes ,im not a remote pro and i need SOME help there!

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