Roblox Client Render Resolution is Forced!

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Currently Roblox on my a device like my MacBook which has a 4k resolution screen its render resolution is locked at 4K which I don’t want it as its practically useless and significantly consumes much more resources and power to render it at such a high resolution.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    The issue is that there is no possible way to change the Roblox render resolution and force it to something lower to significantly increase performance.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I saw that some suggested some very hacky ways to do it that only works for windows however that being said I am on macOS. One way is to change the device entire resolution to something lower but that’s not really practical.


I definitely agree. My laptop runs at 30 fps on average in a certain game at my native resolution: 2560x1600. Changing my resolution to half of that (1280x800) gives me 120 fps. To me, that resolution is just fine for playing a game on my laptop, since the screen isn’t particularly large. I can easily look past the slightly low resolution, but a low framerate drives me nuts. I know the Graphics-Quality setting does help a lot, but the visuals look terrible when i turn it down enough to get decent fps. (2 bars)

The problem is that I would rather not have to navigate settings and change my system-wide screen resolution every time i open and close Roblox. As most other games nowadays, they let you change the render resolution within the game itself. I hope this is something Roblox can bring to the table in a future update.