it was an ongoing issue for the past 2 weeks (which was fixed yesterday because an update for all accounts have dropped) and my question is: what do i need to do to fix the issue so it wont bother me anymore?
i already saw the topic made here asking about “why is this happening” and when whole byfron thing was happening (spring 2023)-i managed to get the accounts testing/live branches switched between them (not exactly what i was asking from them, but it worked for the time) through the support ticket.
even my account’s home pages are looking different
i’ve been trying to solve this issue through the roblox support again, but after like 4th reply of telling me to provide absolutely unrelated information for “assistance” (like internet speed, does the game crash/freeze, reinstall the client, etc) i gave up and hope to get some help here, why are they so stubborn now-i have no idea
maybe anyone knows key phrases to tell to the support to get the issue sorted out through someone who CAN help me and not someone who copy/paste generic response’s, or there’s someone/something on this forum that can help me?