I’m a Roblox builder and I’m new to clothing making. I currently use a Macbook Pro. I’m wondering what good editing software I can get out there. I made this using Pixlr. Feedback on what I can improve.
Honestly, I like what you’ve done for someone who’s new with clothes making. I would maybe recommend you to add some details like some shadow on your clothe, maybe even some shoes or a color gradient for not have only one color so not looking too empty.
Out of that I wish you good luck with the clothe making, I’m not a clothe maker but I tryied to say some things that could be improved according to what I see for other clothes. Whatever I think that the color gradient or shoes may be hard but you could try for be better!
I hope that even if I’m not a clothe maker I helped you a bit with a point of view from someone which isn’t specialized on it. Have a nice day!
Okay, So I think there should be a Transparent area for the Neck and hands, so that it looks realistic, The neck looks more like an oval and not a circle and would be better if you added outlines.
Though noting that you are new to clothing, this is a tremendous effort. Good job
Keep on working hard on your skills! Good luck.
Hello, I would like to say that everyone starts out somewhere in their field and there will always be mistakes and quality errors. With practice, you can become a very good designer, so I wish you the best of luck.
Initial Encounter
So when you first look at this image, I see some errors that are critical to designing and how your design renders. On the Roblox template, there are boxes for each section of the limbs. There are dividers for each section, which is where they will be folded on. In your image, it seems that all of your dividers are gone, except the ones on the bottom of the arms.
I am not very familiar with Pixlr as a whole but I do think I remember there being a layers tab, where you can change the position of your layers. When you are making clothes, it is best to have the template layer over all other layers, so there will be no overlapping marks, etc.
Other Details
Ok, so we bring attention to the neck-hole. We should try and visualize the shirt being folded on itself, when we have that big of a neck-hole it’s just going to be covered by the head. It is also too slender and should be moved more into the initial shirt.
When making the neck-hole, make sure to delete the space inside of the circle so it will show the skin of the person, and not just be covered by a white portion of your shirt.
Now let’s focus on the strings of the hoodie. It’s best to make the strings more curved and to attach them from the base of the neck-hole so it’s like a real hoodie.
Finally, on you shirt which is the white part of this image. I am not sure if it’s available on Pixlr, but there is a tool that can add “Noise” to an image, which will basically make a texture. Just make the color different to 0, then reduce the coverage and size.
Final Thoughts
I personally think this an exceptional first or recent attempt at designing as you are fairly or fully new to the craft. I think you should take some or all of this advice and use it to improve your skills.
Best of luck,
Thank you, do you know any good editing software.
Well. Overall it’s pretty bland. Maybe add some pockets, wrinkles etc. so far so good!
I personally use Adobe Photoshop but that’s 10$ a month. If your not really interested in paying there’s another photo editing software I use called PhotoPea
I mainly use Paint.net but that is only supported for Windows (Currently). I also use sometimes Photoshop, but it is something you need to buy and have a monthly or annual payments to.
Try searching for better alternatives if you don’t want to download or can’t afford this on google.
It currently looks like a white base with Sierra written on it. If you are making a hoodie then I suggest the following:
• Add the Hoodie Cap at the back.
• Add the pockets on the front of the Hoodie.
• Shade this a little bit to make it realistic.
For the application I would recommend using Photopea, it isn’t an application but it is a great editing website and it is basically like photoshop but slightly lower in quality.
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