Our Mission
The mission of the Roblox Comedy Game Show Cafe is to enhance the player experience and create a fun environment for those who love to dine and a good laugh and some fresh coffee.
Restaurant Policies and Rules
We’ve developed these policies and rules at Roblox Comedy Game Show Cafe to create a good working environment for employees and an enjoyable experience for our audience and guests. Therefore, you are responsible for closely observing these policies and rules. Although the employment relationship is one which may be terminated by you or Roblox Comedy Game Show Cafe, with or without cause at any time, the following are some of the actions which are violations of policies and rules, and which also may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
General Conduct
- Discrimination against other employees, audience or guests. Whether by race, sex, gender, age, or any other factor.
- Dishonesty or discourtesy.
- Not cooperating with fellow employees, management or insubordination (not following directions.)
- Fighting, threatening bodily injury to another employee, audience or guests.
- Any type of horseplay.
- Verbal confrontation with another employee, audience or guests.
- Taking advantage of an employee, audience or guests through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts or any other unfair dealing practice;
- Behavior that the Roblox Comedy Game Show Cafe reasonably believes is harassment or otherwise inappropriate.
- Misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact on the employment application.
- Failing to report policy or rule violations.
- Failure to cooperate in an investigation.
- Employees must grammar at all times.
- If you have an issue with a specific customer (i.g. trolling), contact a supervisor immediately.
- All employees should treat the property of Roblox Comedy Game Show Cafe, whether material or intangible, with respect and care.
- All employees must show integrity and professionalism in the workplace:
- We discourage employees from accepting gifts. We prohibit briberies for the benefit of any external or internal party.
- All employees should fulfill their job duties with integrity and respect
- Senior employees are encouraged to mentor new staff.
- All employees must be open for communication with their colleagues, supervisors or team members.
Conduct of a Supervisor
- Supervisors must treat employees, audience or guests and their own supervisors with the same respect they would expect for themselves.
- Supervisors are expected to be energetic and lead in areas of teamwork and motivation.
- Supervisors expect their employees to take responsibility for their actions and overall performance, and should demand the same of themselves.
- Supervisors must be honest.
- Supervisors must understand the policies and guidelines of Roblox Comedy Game Show Cafe, as well as its mission, and how they are expected to go about accomplishing their goals.
- Supervisors are expected to perform with a high level of integrity.
- Supervisors should make their goals clear and assist employees when it comes to reaching those goals.
- Supervisors are to assist employees struggling, show their employees how jobs are best performed, then monitor employees and offer suggestions and tips.
Conduct of an Administrator
- Administrators should not misuse the administration system.
- Administrators should only use the administration system when necessary.
- If an administrator needs to make a message of less importance that pertains to administration duties, the administrator should use the “hint” (h) command.
- If an administrator needs to make a message that pertains to administration duties, and the message should be seen by two or less of the criteria found below, the administrator should use the “hint” (h) command.
- Employees
- Audience
- Guests
- If an administrator needs to make a message of major importance that pertains to administration duties, and all of the criteria found below should see the message, the administrator should use the “system message” (sm) command.
- Employees
- Audience
- Guests
- If an administrator needs to make a message that does not pertain to administration duties, the administrator should use the “ALERT!” function accessed by clicking the “ALERT!” screen in stage crew booth.
Professionalism while Using Stage Equipment
- An employee equal to or above the rank of “Stage Crew” should only be inside the stage crew booth.
- An employee inside the stage crew booth should not misuse the equipment.
- An employee inside the stage crew booth should only use the “ALERT!” function to make a message of importance.
- An employee inside the stage crew booth is responsible for any actions done inside the stage crew booth.
Disciplinary Actions
- The Roblox Comedy Game Show Cafe may have to take disciplinary action against employees who repeatedly or intentionally fail to follow our code of conduct. Disciplinary actions will vary depending on the violation.
Possible consequences include:
- Demotion.
- Reprimand.
- Suspension or termination for more serious offenses.
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