Recently, I was messing around with some JavaScript, and I ended up making a “webserver”, and I connected it to Roblox. And, well, It worked! I would like some thoughts and opinions on this little module I made.
Discord BOT, not Webhook
I’ve made this module that allows myself to control the discord bot, used like this:
--// Creates a new client and logs into the bot
local newClient = DiscordLua.start()
--// Has support for Embeds, components, and more
local newMessage = newClient:SendMessage({
content = "Hello Discord!"
newMessage:Edit("Hello!") --// Editing
newMessage:Delete() --// Deletion
newClient.OnEvent("MessageCreate", function(message)
print(message.content) --// Print the message data that was sent
As you can see, It did everything shown in the code above
As for the event function, it did print the content of the message sent: (You can access everything from the message)
How is it? What should I add to it? Should I release this? Let me know below!
Have a great day