Roblox Crash On Startup, after white screen or after a few frames, and Frozen Roblox Studio Playtest

What is this notification? I’ve never seen it before.
I was just trying to create a new crash dump, and I don’t know if this happened because I started to run out of storage on my PC or if it was something else.

This seems like the new Hyperion update Bitdancer was talking about.

The issue is not quite as trivial as it appears at first glance. It’s not just about fixing one bug and then “everything is good”; there are several issues at play, including users setting FFlags that are not meant to be set and dealing with poor internet connections. Of course, I’m not saying we don’t have bugs. However, it is sometimes very hard to figure out what is going on on a user’s machine. It doesn’t help that in most cases, we cannot reproduce the issue in-house, so often we have to make speculative fixes, which are sometimes hit or miss.

Having said all that, with the latest release, we added two more fixes. One should resolve the Oculus issue, and the other addresses the issue of self-patching ATI drivers triggering Hyperion. Both bugs resulted in a white screen.


Looking back at it, I was a little rough on that reply. But, thank you for this response; very great to hear. Hopefully those fixes will solve our lots of problems.

We understand the frustration. I myself am a gamer, and there is nothing more frustrating than finally having some time to play a game only to find that nothing works. Unfortunately, for a platform as large as Roblox, with millions of users, there is always a small percentage of users who encounter issues. Sometimes there are simple solutions; other times, a fix may drag on, or multiple bugs may manifest in the same way, even though the bugs are unrelated.

On that note, we plan to release another fix next week as part of our ongoing efforts to resolve the problem.


Been about another month now. Still an ongoing issue; the implemented fixes you mentioned seem to not work. But, I feel as if it’s a “just me” problem now. I’ve seen reports of improvement, but none for my own case.

Would game-specific details help? Every little problem I have seems to change for every other experience. Example, the ESC menu freezes the game in some places but not on others. I have to pick and choose certain games on Roblox that works, and ditch the other ones that don’t. Or keep restarting it until I can get a good few minutes on it.

I also haven’t seen any crash fixes in the release notes, unless those are being kept private for whatever reason.

Hello Monkey,

With the implementation of the recent fixes, our telemetry shows a significant drop in timeout events, so it seems your case is indeed somewhat special. Could you please send us, once again, the latest crash dump (Preferably version 619 when it comes out today) ?

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Sent a recent crash dump in the associated message thread. This is only one from the two it produces though, if both is needed let me know. Thanks!

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Howdy, is there any new information? Over the past 12 or so updates I haven’t seen much improvement, only subtle change. My current problem is likely different than the OG post and there’s probably more to explain, if that would be preferrable. Or, I can always send another crash dump if needed.

I do not know if you ever found a resolution to this issue, and I am aware I am bumping a 38 day old dead thread, but I found someone else on Discord that I was going to hire for a project reporting the same studio crash issue (albeit theirs crashes much more quickly - almost instantly), and this began after the most recent studio update.

They have a Windows 11 with a GTX 980. I was looking for solutions on the devforum and came across this thread, which has the exact same issue she was having. I do not know if she has devforum access, but I wanted to just mention that this issue has apparently begun again after recent updates.

I had her completely uninstall ROBLOX, clear temporary files on the browser (as is recommended on some page somewhere I forgot), update drivers, and delete every single ROBLOX directory. Totally fresh and clean installation, and this issue still persists. Even tried a solution I found on another thread that would attempt to load Studio without plugins - same issue persists.

For her, this is only affecting the Studio and I don’t think she’s had any issue with playing games.

Her video for the studio crash issue

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