There are none we can find. Even reverting back by months, the crashes persist, as if an update created a syntax error that broke an existing bit of code, we can now no longer access to even fix.
Issue Area: Studio Issue Type: Crashing Impact: Very High Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2022-09-02 00:09:00 (-06:00) Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-05 00:09:00 (-06:00) A private message is associated with this bug report
Also, we will need more info about this. Can you provide the version of your studio (about studio box) and the user ids of the people experiencing this. You can send me the info in a DM.
9/7 Update: OP confirmed issue is resolved after updating Studio
I am having a similar or same issue.
I can open single-user games through ROBLOX studio but not Team Create sessions for my group.
What happens is the game not being able to load.
Issue Area: Studio Issue Type: Crashing/Not loading Impact: Very High Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2022-09-08 00:09:00 (-14:00) GMT Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-08 00:09:00 (-14:00) GMT Roblox Version: 0.543.205.5430572
Hello I am also having the same issue.
I would like to add that studio worked fine UNTIL I ran a play test which then crashed that play test. Studio still worked fine but I could not play test without the play test itself crashing. Once I closed studio and tried to re-open it I got this message and can no longer open studio.
Edit: After a few minutes it allowed me to open studio again and it functions as normal now. I did have to restart my PC however for studio to actually work again.