Roblox creating too many servers

Hey :wave:
In the past few weeks, a game I work on has been experiencing some increased popularity, average around 50-100 concurrent users. Our game is the most immersive when servers are as full as possible, but Roblox keeps creating more and more servers than necessary.

Here’s a look at our servers…

… And our settings for the place:

We’ve tried altering the social slots settings several times but more and more of these smaller servers continue to be created.
No other post on the devforum has been helpful to us.

Game Link
Any help would be amazing, thank you.

This issue has been made into a bug report and marked as solved by a Roblox Staff. Try reading it and see if it helps explain the situation.

EDIT: You should try to contact @Bug-Support at this point, since it has been marked as solved years ago, but is appearing again recently.

Thank you for the response ma’am.


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