Hi! Let’s collaborate on something together! I’ve started it out with the base cube and I’d like to see what twist you can do with it.
Let’s help each other out to pass the time through artistic entertainments in these trying times. I’ve recently been doing a 7 day challenge and I’ve been using this isometric cube as my base for my arts and I thought I could challenge you to come up with your own Roblox art starting from a simple cube!
Get the cube here: CubeChallenge - Google Drive
After you’re done with it, share it! Let’s see what you made! You can send them here in this thread or you can post them on twitter with the hashtag #RobloxCubeChallenge. Follow me on twitter to see other people’s work as well.
I’ll be collecting every single artwork and compile them in an Instragram account for a proper presentation of all your artworks
Here are some details about the challenge:
Hope you enjoy!