Roblox Dark Theme inconsistency

Recently, the background color of the Roblox Dark theme was slightly changed to be more bluish. Although I do wish we could get a proper dark grey/black theme again, that’s besides the point.

The new color is not consistently implemented, leading to situations such as:


I can’t see the issue, could you highlight it with a circle or something similar?


There is a green arrow pointing at the border between the new color and the old color. Try adjusting your brightness.

I can see the green arrow, but not sure what it’s pointing at

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There are various information boxes in the image that use the old, slightly different, not blue color.

If you don’t notice it, max your brightness. it’s subtle but noticeable.


There is a very very slight color difference.



I’m seeing this as well. There’s 3 different colors here (seeing the difference is very subtle)

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The theme just came out and there will obviously be many bugs. It is a subtle bug but it still looks quite ugly. I have how the textbox is still that gray ish black which again is an inconsistency. They should also update this box as it’s quite old as well and if they upgraded the entire forum, upgrading this won’t be too bad.

Correction, the theme has been out for a while now, it simply had it’s background color changed slightly.

The theme on the devforum just came out. It got changed yesterday so expect bugs. Seems that I worded it a bit wrongly. Whoopsies! My bad.

Despite a few more changes to the Roblox Dark theme, this still hasn’t been fixed.

This also appears on the popup menus here

and the bug report wizzard


We’re aware of the color issues and will fix.

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literally unplayable‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎