The default Roblox jump is extremely inconsistent especially when dealing with lower fps.
I am currently programming a football game and timing and jump height is very important to be consistent so that the game can be fair.
In every Roblox game by default if you swerve your character properly you can increase your jump height. Depending on how well you time the swerve, you can jump up to almost 2 and a half the normal jump height.
This applies not only to jump height but jump power too.
The lower ur fps the higher the difference is. On 15 fps the game is still playable and you’re jumping twice the normal height of done properly.
It’s not only extremely easy to do this by accident but once you learn how to do it you can do smaller increases consistently.
I’ve tried maxing the y velocity to 50 on a humanoid.jump but this is isn’t a solution because your velocity can be messed up at any point in your jump and loops are not good bc they’re with detention too.
Your velocity does change in accordance to the glitched height too. A normal jump using my system got 50 velocity roughly and a basic glitched jump was 53 which is a noticable difference. The highest I’ve seen was 61.
My game is similar to a game called football fusion and the glitch exists in that too (as does every game) but this is a really widely known glitch in that game and mine.
(Clip below) - I am not using any exploits or anything and this can be replicated in other games as well as my own.
TLDD: Roblox jump height velcoity is inconsistent with body movements especially with fps. Any fix?
Football fusion clip: (these are some examples on 15 fps)