For the past few weeks, the Roblox desktop app has been unable to load crucial information relating to games on the friends playing carrousel without significant wait time (roughly 3-5 minutes, usually). The Roblox website is unaffected by this
System Information
Occurs on both Windows 10/11 devices in my experience, on multiple separate devices, can not give specifics since this applies on multiple separate devices & setups
Expected behavior
Experience names should be correctly shown on the desktop application
Are you sure those with no game titles below their profile are not just online on the website or have their joins turned off? The app’s intended behavior (albeit, it’s pretty weird) is to display the green ‘online’ dot on any user that is either playing a game or simply on the website, so those who you see with a blue ‘online’ dot on the website will instead show up with a green one on the app. It’d be helpful if you could attach a side-by-side comparison of what the website displays here compared to the app at a time when the bug occurs—that’d help clarify if this really is a bug or not.
I’ve had a very similar issue to this in-where the game names were sometimes empty; clicking on the user would lead to the modal displaying the icon and play button, however, with no game-name. I’m not sure if this was the desktop app or the website since it happened over a week ago, though.
Is this the same issue you are experiencing or just a separate untelated one? I didn’t create a bug report about my issue since I didn’t really have enough info about it at the time.