Roblox Desktop Icons Made in Blender!

Hi! I would like some feedback on some icons I just whipped up earlier today!

Here you go:
ChormeIco RobloxLogoNew-removebg-preview

I also made some thumbnails and icons for my game:

Here is what the icons look like on my computer:

Let me know which ones you like the most!

View the solution if you want to use the 3 icons for your computer :point_down:


There all good except for the chrome one which is a little wavy on the edges.


I think Roblox studio looks the best. I really like them, and I would like a video tutorial that details how to replace the normal studio logo.


Yeah. The Chrome one kinda messed up during rendering. Thanks for the feedback!


Alright! Let me get a video set up for you!

Thanks for your feedback!


Did you use Sketchbook to make these logos?

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I used Blender for all of them :slight_smile:

Blender? Thatโ€™s pretty unorthodox. I donโ€™t normally think of blender as a software for graphic design use.

I have gotten used to blender. If I change to anything else, I would probably mess up lol.

I really like the Roblox studio one, the colors are just perfect :raised_hands:

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Thank you very much! I really appreciate the feedback!

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Wow! Those look pretty cool! Nice job.

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I sent you a PM with worded and video instructions. I also included a link to the needed websites.

I really like these icons. Can I use them for my pc?

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Did you use the Daniel Kraft tutorial? (I think that was his name)

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how did u know, spy!

Total seriousness, yes. I also added in my own touches like instead of using the Skin Modifier, I turn the image into an outlined bag, then use Solidify Modifier.

Lol, I have been doing blender for 3 years now. I know when somebody uses a tutorial. I have actually tried to follow it before and I failed epicly. Good job!

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