Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

Hey I am unable to find the game can you help me find it? The game ID is “16114283208”

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Hey! Me @WaflSyrup , @YoshiInsanity and @M4d_Cow worked together on this paranormal game for our submission
It’s called Left to Rot and it’s a tooooottaly normal ghost hunting game in a toooootally normal haunted house.

It’d mean a lot of you checked the game out and considered giving us a vote <3
I’d also love to hear any feedback from anyone who checks it out!!


Thanks to all who played Game [W.I.P] if you enjoyed it please consider giving us a vote:


Work as a perfectly willing drive-thru worker in this PS2 styled game serving people their unexpected orders in my solo project Greasy’s Diner!

If you played my game, or beat it, it would be much appreciated if you could leave a like on the People’s Choice Voiting topic!


Here’s our team’s Project, BYTEZER0 is a open-world PvP-style FPS game,
where every player starts out with 3 sets of weapons, Primary, Secondary and melee
players can fight in an open-environment with a couple of weapons to unlock,
you can also get onto a leaderboard with the highest scores! and much more!

Link to our game: BYTEZER0
We hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it! <3

Voting Topic:


Our submission


Just a Friendly Reminder, definitely try out (and like) our game!


i’ll be making some noise here about our game if you dont mind:

our game “Late Night Hunger” is a short absurdist story-based game, where you get hungry at night. Of course there is a little twist…

Made by @BillyBobSkyWalker and myself.
There are no toolbox/premade assets used for this so please consider that when voting :slight_smile:


vote coldline copy real :exploding_head:


(I’m not a participant)

I’m afraid there’s nothing that can be done, since it would be unfair for one game to get a special message…


As a spectator, I’m not a big fan of just pasting 400+ games into a single thread and letting people vote.

I just don’t have the time to review every game, so I naturally just began looking at games that were already highly liked (especially the farming game). It seems to me that after the first ~12 hours, it’s become tough for games with minimal likes to rise without a large following/advertising base already.

EDIT: But overall, almost all of the games that are currently in the lead do deserve their likes. Just wished there was an easier and fairer way to do this.


Hey I noticed a few devs that have big communities posting their voting link and getting tons of votes because of it. Is this allowed? It feels incredibly unfair for people who cant just show a link to 1000s of people like that


Vangurdian - Roblox Check out our game and vote for it if you like it! It was really fun working with our team


Sadly it is allowed, one post has 76 likes currently and the 2nd highest post has around 20 and if you look at the people who liked it, many have expensive limiteds or are popular developers with millions of visits to their name. See my post for more detail: Roblox Developer Challenge 2024 - #1220 by WiseMatheu


We are at number 359 - doubt anyone will take the time to scroll - Win or lose, it doesnt matter. What matters is that we participated and it was an experience we won’t forget! So here it is again- Reflect-


Where is my game charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


is there way we can arrange a time to play this togather? it looks interesting

my time zone is JST but I almost always is up on 6 am so


I played yours it was really good but I couldn’t understand what the unexpected development was?


Us game diverse and unexpected For nothing made cuz they not responding here on my questions if others people in your team can update the form

I try neat list all assets but I was not sure other team members can edit it to add pre made assets they made so I wait for response but it came to late why I hasnt time to fill in the form

and now a team member made a mistake by adding non forum members to the form who not has helped with the game

I want my Dev rel where I have developed for I had got some extra time for it from my parents but I has better can spend that on paralleized engineers what now only for group members is soon for testers only if you want to be a tester Join our group by developer by game to a chance for a tester response on group wall

Also next game jams I fill in the form directly if I don’t have time to update need you guys to check our inventorys for pre-made assets I can’t if I don’t have time update it with pre made assets listed maybe make the submission survey 1 day longer open I can’t fill it in at night

Thanks for reading and like the game and follow us work I hope you like it maybe we turn it into a whole game with better Story and more unexpected things


I don’t know what to feel about a group of popular devs sharing the voting link of their game with a message to tell their fans to vote across multiple popular twitter accounts, multiple groups and even discord servers with thousands of members . Your game can be as good as it can be and could be the favorite of the people who actually went trough all of the games (or most or even just a bit) but at the end it doesn’t matter since someone has a ton of fans that can vote

It really just makes this about how popular you are as a person or if you’re connected to a popular person
(If you have a question about the censored parts: its just emojis that i felt like shouldn’t be shown here)

I know its a bit loose to use the word im about to say but this is way more than just sharing the link with your friends and family since you’re basically just telling thousands of people that would not have even known about the gamejam in general and would vote for you no matter what so in my opinion the vote has been rigged.

In short: No one has a chance in the people’s choice category cause someone is popular and told their fans & followers to vote them

282 votes (as of 11AM 10th of February (GMT-6) aka <24 hours in) which is literally more than double the amount of the second place is just impossible to achieve for any normal group or person no matter how fun, good or popular among the gamejam players your game is.