Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

I just accidentally updated the experience’s name, while it’s 10 minutes past the deadline. Is the game still considered valid and if not is there a way I can change that?

Please, send a private message to either me or @bri9adeiro if you accidentally updated any information after the deadline.


Play our game Journey Jitters: Journey Jitters - Roblox

It was super fun to make and im glad i got to participate

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Yep, highly recommend. Most immersive experience on Roblox by far!


With my teammates I did this small game: Just a normal night - Roblox

We wanted to make it better and longer but we had to fix many bugs and we hadn’t also a lot of free time… but we welcome every feedback! :sunglasses:

Team: @supertom145 @Hynator06 @Cookisek92 @JendaGaming

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Are you aware around when the valid entries will be announced?

Hey! we worked very hard in our game, some things might feel a little bit rushed but come take a look at it, it’s a procedural exploration experience!

(10) Penthouse - Roblox

Made by:


Here’s our submission :slight_smile:

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So where do I vote or is it not opened yet?

t’was very fun!!! (and stressful) :partying_face:

This was my job, it wasn’t what I wanted to achieve but since I practically did everything you couldn’t do much about it
Curious Cat - Roblox

not opened yet

Reupload of the game, Icon and Thumbnail wont update.

My team and I worked really hard on our game.
Wasnt able to fully realize its vision but here it is.
Nor did I get to the submission survey in time. :worried:

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9 minutes after deadline.

Made by me,

This game is WIP so don’t be rude please

Made by @xTre_yy, @BaccDraco, @ipard1234, and myself

Play our game:

Vote for our game! :hearts:


Is there a link to the voting topic?

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:hamster: My Team’s Game!
Super proud of all of our hard work and so happy with how it turned out!
@lillybearish @hiaihai1 @TopDev @Lyspyon

PLAY: Hungry Hungry Hamster


uhh we made this Sky Scraper - Roblox
@Guhb15 @YellowSabre1