Roblox Developer Challenge 2025

Check out our submission: Appocalypse!

Thanks to our team: @Moonberserk @ohnoLeoo @PrimeVoxel @N4Animation @Qbytez

Psst! You don’t wanna miss out on the twist…

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Thank you again for the opportunity ! Here is ours

Break the System (Game Jam 2025)

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My game crashed :disappointed: due to a bug I found so no game jam for me this year

idk if its just me but it doesn’t work past menu

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game very buggy, we had no time to fix everything :sob:
sometimes it work, sometimes it doesnt

At least the theme is right hehe

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lmao ahahhahahahaha thanks fellow glitchy c;

this is what me and my team made Developer event 2025 - Roblox

Nice matrix reference, left elevator is to stay in the simulation the right one is just leaving it

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Hello! Are we still allowed to change the games experience settings? (Ex. Thumbnail, Icon, Description, etc.) even after the deadline? Also, is it problematic if i didn’t list EVERY asset used and used a more “general” list (ex. I specified that we used some of the more popular assets on the toolbox for making a cutscene about our main antagonist “Timmy”) pre-made assets ?


our game

Hi guys, I’ve made an tower defense for this challenge but the path logic in this game is different


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Someone’s dedicated to disliking every game posted here lol.

Kudos to whoever that is (sarcasm.)


I guess i should start making a game now.

some of these are games made before the game jam (like the first two links), so they wouldn’t even count

My team’s submission:


My team’s game for Dev Challange 2025.

@Maxoratus (me) - Modelling, Building, UI
@dnkilos - Building
@hregup - Scripting
@player14141414141414 - Scripting

(i hate timezones so much omfg)


Game breaking bug at the very very end

Hope you guys enjoy our sily game ;]
Deal with the frustration of being fired by getting revenge on the AI that fired you!
Good luck with the puzzles, they can be solved in various ways, so don’t stuck with the system, BREAK IT!