Roblox Developer Challenge 2025

As a solo dev, its time to lock in.

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Will there be other game jams in upcoming months other than this one? I honestly want to participate this event but yeah i got statistic exam during the event was held :frowning:

The time frame only allows for about 3 hours a day of work on the experience for me due to work, but It would have been fun to participate.
What if we’re in only for the prizes?
I assume we need any kind of experience with any amount of actual progress submitted, as long as it follows the rules to acquire them or how would it work?

Is it permissible to take part in this participating challenge alone?

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hey can i join you, for this participating Challenge?

Short question: Where exactly will the start of the event and theme be announced?

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I am a programmer looking for a team

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The submission survey should be filled out during the challenge timeframe right?

Are we allowed to use open sourced assets/tool box assets?

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Can’t wait! Hoping for some more clear rules surrounding use of toolbox.


Is there a theme or can we just make anything?

I’m pretty sure you’re only allowed to use your own assets


Oh. Then I guess it is rlly hard for a solo dev to win.

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Bruh why was the message in Japanese?


Maybe you were using vpn or something, or you forgot your Duolingo japanese class💀

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No VPN, I’ve played games on this account days ago in the US. My main account received the message in English lol.

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i have this issue then i want submit my team this is error occurs: Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access “Roblox Developer Challenge | Survey” on this server.
Reference #18.8eba1702.1738237930.d6c360e5

You need to submit after the event begins I’m pretty sure

@Harrystylesicoo17287 @player14141414141414 refer to this (see the message i replied to)

Since the event has not officially started you can’t submit yet, Also make sure the experience follows the rules, especially this: “The experience must be created within the challenge timeframe and follow the theme. Experiences created before or after the timeframe will be considered invalid.”, this means that if you already made a racing game (which it sounds like) it will be invalid for submission since work started before the challenge.