ROBLOX Developer Crowns

Hello, I know this problem has been issued before with other devs, but I felt the need to bring it up.

The ROBLOX developer crowns seem to have been discontinued, as we used to be promised for checking of eligibility for the visits every 3 months. Currently, I own a game running around 15k+ MAU visits, which did reach 100k MAU at a point. And so, logically, I should not just have the golden crown and bombastic crown (the 100 and 1000 crowns that I got 2 years ago) and should also have the Adurite (10k) and Sparkletime (100k) crown…

Has any developers received any of the crowns recently?

Here is a photo of my MAU, showing I probably should i have received them:

I absolutely love the developer crowns rewards, as they are useful to inspire developers to get players on roblxo to join their creations, and its a great way to show your success. This is a great feature and I absolutely love it, so Im devastated to be of suspicioin its discontinued.

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The crowns are not discontinued my freind got the gold one like week ago. I guess you just need to wait for the grown as roblox says. To be honest I dont have any other answer.

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I see, it really sucks that it’s kind of randomized, I feel like it should just be automatic. Oh well :frowning:

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Ye but it is mainly becouse roblox checks if its not farmbotted i think?

I think so, I’ve emailed devawards countless times but I believe that the email is inactive, is there anyone else I can contact because I firmly believe it’s never reaching my account; it’s been 11 months.

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You can theorethically mssg support but its like going on a wild goose chase…

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yeahh lol, i just wish this was easier

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You should probably support this topic as roblox left us in the dark regarding the crowns:

Also use the search function next time because this has been asked alot of times

Wanna note roblox support is useless as they tell us to email but this email receives no responses. The crown program still exist just are being giving out rarely is my guess

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I’d maybe relax on emails about when you’re going to get it you could be in a que of people. Don’t worry you’ll get a message in your inbox one day saying congratulations you got it just takes a bit of time that’s all! I think mine took longer than 11 months but I got 3 all at once with lots of other people one day. I’d say best thing you can do is relax if you know you achieved the goals needed to get it then don’t worry you’ll see that message one day :slight_smile:

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