Roblox Developer Forum App

Hello This is InquistorWasBanned and even though I use Roblox Developer Forum on Computer more, I use it sometimes for Mobile too. I think Roblox Developer Forum should make an apple app/android app/Samsung app where we can use Roblox developer forum and not have to search it. This could really help. Please feel free to leave a reply to how you feel about it?



This forum is made from a program called Discourse. There is a Discourse App and you can put in the I’d of this forum.


Okay I see Thanks I never knew that


K I did that just now Thanks for Reminding me!

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If you are on an Apple phone, you can create a bookmark to your Home Screen for the dev forum. If not, the forum is powered by Discourse which has their own app, so you can download that and link it with the dev forum there.

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Yes Thanks I just learned it and got it !

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I do agree they need an application. For now I use the add to home screen function in my web browser to navigate it quickly but it would be helpful if it had a dedicated user interface for mobile devices. The thing is I don’t know how easy this would be to implement, I know Roblox uses a forum designer thingy and I doubt they provide any tools for us to create applications. For now a temporary solution would be adding a developer forum shortcut to your home screen or spending some time in something like MIT App Inventor and just dropping a few things down and then downloading the app to your phone.

Edit: I didn’t realise @Discgolftaco231 said the actual forum managing software actually had an app. I didn’t see the comments before posting lol! I’m downloading the application to see the developer forum in an easier way.

Edit 2: Oh wait the applications basically useless as it navigates you to the website as soon as you click on the button for


If you’re on Android, you can install the Dev Forum as an app. It’ll show up on your home screen and open as a standalone “app.” I just wish they’d update the manifest so that it’s installable as a PWA, so it shows up in the app drawer.



Yeah I do that right now, the Disboard app is useless anyways.

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