Roblox Developer Mode

Just like how web browsers have developer mode that includes a bunch of extra tools, I think the ROBLOX website should include this as well. The primary reason it shouldn’t have all of the features visible to everyone is because it might confuse and discourage players with terminology they may not understand/will never use. Also it would allow an option to not clutter up the website with random tools.

There could be a toggle button in the settings to enable/disable this, and anyone would be able to do it.

Two of the features that I think should be added to this are:

  • viewing your own item sales (and limiting the actual api to that - this was requested in another thread)
  • having a download button on assets you have permission to download (not just download and retain the hash name, but also rename it to the asset’s name.[file type])

This is all I could think of for now, but I think implementing something like this would be extremely useful for everyone.


I personally think this could be easily added into the current UI.

I don’t see the point of adding an entire new mode for the website for a few small settings which the majority of players don’t use.


I agree with @AlgyLacey - this probably wouldn’t be worth adding for the effort required, and there are extensions which can kind of do these things.

I do agree that there ought to be a button to download assets like meshes and hats to use in your game if you have permission. There was an extension for this but it has been discontinued.


When I read this I initially thought of the developer mode on the chrome plugins page.

Sounds like a neat idea, but maybe there could just be a link to stats rather than an inbuilt feature that you have to activate.



Gonna respond to both of your posts at once.

If they were to get really serious about something like this (and add stats), then having it on the regular website might get really cluttered. Having an extra tab like “owners” and “description” (idk if roblox+ feature or built in) would probably be the most ideal. However, it would definitely discourage users and confuse them. If both google (chrome) and safari (Apple) do it, I think it is probably effective.

Also @Lightlimn
These are just two possible ideas, they can provide even more advanced stats in the future as well. Also by that reasoning, why not have the whole roblox website be just an api and have user created apis to show it. I think if a big demographic of users are going to use something, it’s best that roblox implements it themselves.


Hence the name developer mode


Yes, but why spend a lot of time and resources designing a lot of pages for a small portion of the user-base?

Both of the examples which are mentioned in the OP could easily be displayed on the item page or in the “…” menu which is already on every item.


All the feature would do is enable it if you want it enabled? Lol.


You shouldn’t need to go find some random setting which unlocks extra information. It should be cleanly presented on the page by default.


Arn’t you able to do this already with Roblox+? When you launch the roblox website on Google, you are able to modify a few settings, such as what goes on the top bar:

I also believe there are many more extensions that are out there made by other developers that let you be able to do different things with the roblox site, such as view how certain products on the site that cost robux could be seen on how much they are worth converted to USD.


If the feature is something all developers could benefit from, it makes sense to make a feature request for it, even if there is a workaround using a third party application or an extension you develop yourself.