Roblox Devex help

I recently devexed for the first time, I found out I needed to do taxes. I live in the Netherlands and didn’t find information about if I need to pay taxes and what not.

Im under 18, so I dont know if I can even pay taxes.

Can someone help me figure out if I need to pay taxes and if I can?

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You need to look at the tax laws in the Netherlands.
Roblox tells you to check with your country’s taxation services.

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If you already have a dev portal account, you must fill out your details such as name, address, etc. Then it will come to a page asking you for task forms. You’ll want to fill out a Certificate of Non-US Activities, and then another form that includes your local tax details, which would be specific to the Netherlands. I have no idea how the tax is in the Netherlands, but in my country you need to register with the government for a special number which you enter in this tax form. You’ll probably need to consult your parents on how to go about paying taxes in the Netherlands

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Yes, you must pay taxes. And because this is income from business, you’ll need to declare it (as opposed to when you, say, work in a supermarket. In that case, your employer handles this).

Every year, you can just go to the website of the Belastingdienst, and you can fill out what you made that year. It’s easy, and they’ll tell you what you need to pay.

But odds are, you probably didn’t make nearly enough to actually have to pay anything. The ‘algemene heffingskorting’, is a discount on your taxes. It’s somewhere around 20.000 euro. So, until you make more than that, your effective income tax rate will be 0%.

Note: there are other taxes that you may need to pay. But the income tax is by far the largest. So, just check the website, fill out your details, and you’ll know.


thanks that really helps out alot!

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And do I need help from parents? Im under 18, if you could give me some details about that it would help out alot.

No, you do not. You just need a DigID. If you don’t know what that is, you probably don’t have one yet, you’ll need to apply for one. DigID is the system we use for logging into all government services. You’ll need your BSN to apply, which should be on the back of your ID card. If you don’t have an ID card, then you’re probably still documented on your parent’s identification, and you should ask them for help. Well, if you’re younger than the age where it’s required to get an ID, then you should ask your parents for help anyways.

As for taxes, it’s just filling out a webform. If you mess something up, you have a couple years to fix it.

For me, I did not earn enough from Roblox for the income tax, but I did have to pay for health insurance (on top of already paying the insurance company monthly)


Oh okay thanks, then im able to do everything myself since I have DigID. Thats everything I need to know im pretty sure, If I have a question I will let it you know. Thanks for helping me, it really saves me alot of time.

There’s a ton of deductibles that you should be aware of, too. Things like ‘profit from hobby’, which is untaxed as long as you spend more time on it than you get value from it. So if you develop for 1000 hours and make 100 bucks, you probably won’t need to pay tax on that. But you need to file for this yourself, so unless you know, you’ll probably lose out on deductibles.

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I saved up one year for 30k, is that ‘profit from hobby’ or does that count as income from a business?

30K robux? Or 30K eur? If you saved up 30K eur, then you definitely need to go over your taxes thoroughly. Also, whether or not it’s a hobby depends on things like whether or not you have an employer giving you projects to create.

I im sorry, I forgot my context. 30k robux

I mostly create stuff all by myelf, so that counts as an hobby right? I am pretty bad with taxes, I didn’t knew taxes would be this difficult (I have been looking on the internet on what I need to do for taxes). You deffinitely helped me out a lot by answering my questions so I am really thankful for that.

You can just go to the website of the belastingdienst. Also, 30K robux you don’t really need to worry much.

As @ExercitusMortem said, if you haven’t made 20,000 euro you shouldn’t have to worry about paying taxes on it, but you still have to declare the amount as an income.
Here in Canada we have similar income tax categories. You still must declare the income but if you make under a certain amount in that category you don’t need to pay taxes on just that part of your income.

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