Roblox Display an error message and Shutting down after I increase Graphics

This problem Only started today and doesn’t seem to go away… I’m experiencing extreme lag on my otherwise pretty good specs pc to the point ROBLOX displays this error message when I attempt to increase my graphics to anything other than 1… My Pc Is generally able to run Even high end games like royal high at max graphics with little to No Lag…

Screenshot 2023-08-15 233926 error

Its Extremely frustrating and I cant seem to see anyone else experiencing the same issues , My WIFI is full bars and no other applications seem to experience this lag … ( This is my first ever forums post so sorry If I made any mistakes in the formatting esc… Thanks

Does anyone know if this is relat5ed its showing next to my username on the home page!


Try downgrading your GPU driver.

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Hi , I’ve fixed it now , Thanks though It turned out to be an issue with my graphics cards got it fixed though and its running smoothly at max graphics! :slight_smile:

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