Roblox does not fill servers according to configured settings

My games are optimized to run with full, or mostly full servers. Instead of filling servers as expected (according to configured Social Slots settings), Roblox creates 4-5 small servers of 6-12 players, instead of filling one or two servers. This significantly hurts player retention.

Even if I take steps to resolve this issue manually (by using a command to merge smaller servers), Roblox still opts to place players in smaller servers.

Take the following example:

My game is optimized to run with up to 90 players. To achieve this number, I have the servers configured to a maximum player count of 100, with 12 reserved Social Slots, for target player count of 88.

An hour before posting, I used commands to merge small servers of <20 people into larger servers, achieving a balance of 4 servers of ~80 players each, ± 10.

At time of posting, Roblox has spawned 4 extra servers, and started distributing players “evenly” throughout them. There was no spike in player count that should have caused these extra servers to spawn - one would be understandable, if all 4 servers managed to reach capacity; but creating and distributing players between 4 extra servers?

Expected behavior

Roblox should prioritize filling players into existing servers, as long as they are below the Social Slots reserved count.

The attached image should only be 5 servers at most. This is significantly harming player retention and engagement.

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Further example - the system just opted to create a server of 2 people, rather than putting those 2 people into one of 3 servers with open slots beyond the reserved count:

Edit, 5:07 (3 mins later)

System has now spawned another server, and started filling players into these two separate servers instead of filling the many slots in existing servers:

Edit, 5:09 (2 mins later)

We are now up to 3 servers. It seems not a soul is being funneled into existing servers.

If there was something wrong with the original servers causing players to be re-directed elsewhere (i.e. lag) that would make sense - but if that’s the case I’d expect these new players to at least be funneled into the same server?

Edit, 5:12

Confirming based on distribution that Roblox seems to be actively prioritizing distributing players evenly between these new servers instead of just filling one of them in the first place.

This doesn’t appear to be a result of region preferences, ping, or language. It appears to be a system that isn’t working as intended.
