My games are optimized to run with full, or mostly full servers. Instead of filling servers as expected (according to configured Social Slots settings), Roblox creates 4-5 small servers of 6-12 players, instead of filling one or two servers. This significantly hurts player retention.
Even if I take steps to resolve this issue manually (by using a command to merge smaller servers), Roblox still opts to place players in smaller servers.
Take the following example:
My game is optimized to run with up to 90 players. To achieve this number, I have the servers configured to a maximum player count of 100, with 12 reserved Social Slots, for target player count of 88.
An hour before posting, I used commands to merge small servers of <20 people into larger servers, achieving a balance of 4 servers of ~80 players each, ± 10.
At time of posting, Roblox has spawned 4 extra servers, and started distributing players “evenly” throughout them. There was no spike in player count that should have caused these extra servers to spawn - one would be understandable, if all 4 servers managed to reach capacity; but creating and distributing players between 4 extra servers?
Expected behavior
Roblox should prioritize filling players into existing servers, as long as they are below the Social Slots reserved count.
The attached image should only be 5 servers at most. This is significantly harming player retention and engagement.