Roblox does not render the sea

Hello, I made a tower which is height is 850, the tower’s floor is transparent so you can see down. And there is a sea in the map. Which you can see in the image. So the problem is when you stay at this floor and look down Roblox does not render sea in the play mode. I changed materials, position, transparency but nothing worked. I think that’s a built in function that Roblox does to increase performance. But I need to render it. I need help to solve this problem thanks…

Normally(in the editor):

Problem(in the play mode):

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Is your graphics ingame high? Maybe thats the problem

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Yep I tried in all graphic levels

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Do you have streamingenabled on? Because if it is activated then it wont render things in a certain distance radius

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No it’s not enabled in the game.

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You said you tried all materials? I would think that switching from glass to plastic would since this problem but I’m not sure.

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It was plastic before then I changed it to the glass. But problem still remains. I’m not sure if there is something we can do about it.

Try moving the spawn a little bit down, it may have to do with roblox’s built in system to prevent lag with terrain? Dunno.

The water material doesn’t render through glass. Here’s a video:

And here’s the repro file:
WaterRendering.rbxl (24.7 KB)

Hi, first I changed the material to Plastic but it’s not worked alone. Then I moved building down a bit and the problem gone. As a result the solution is: changing material to Plastic and if it’s not works alone then move the building down a bit. And your problem will be solved. Thanks to who replied!