Roblox does not work with RivaTuner/MSI Afterburner

Sorry for posting this on “Help and Feedback” category because the New topic button is greyed out on the “Bug Reports > Engine Bugs” category.

After the latest update in Roblox, it is IMPOSSIBLE for any application to to hook into RobloxPlayerBeta.exe. I am talking about stuff that we all use that are 100% not cheating/exploiting software: MSI Afterburner, NVIDIA FrameView, RTSS, Discord Game Overlay. Yes, this is a Hyperion-related complaint.

The Hyperion update seems useless because exploiters will use the UWP/Microsoft Store version of Roblox. Also, you get 100% CPU load sometimes when you load a game.

Plese note that MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner has a signature, plus I downloaded it from official MSI anyway.

Roblox disallowing unsigned apps to hook into their process sounds stupid and needs to be reverted so we can use verified/signed executables to be able to hook into Roblox. RTSS needs to hook into the Direct3d executable to display the OSD.

Or, If Roblox does not want to bring back signed hooks, They at least need to add these executables to the whitelist: FrameView_x64.exe, FrameViewSetup.exe, MSIAfterburner.exe, RTSS.exe, Discord.exe

The reason I brought up Discord Game Overlay is because it is way faster to press CTRL + ` to open a overlay with your Discord servers. Instead of ALT Tabbing out of the game.

I found this problem back in May 2023, but I was not able to post anything on the Developer Forum yet.

Computer specs:
Intel Core i7 3770, 32 GB of RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Running Windows 11 22H2 build 22621.1992


Same with me :[, I cant get rivatuner to work.

Something is wrong with Roblox employees, they literally don’t look at this post


Open the RiveTunerStaticServer program. Mark the application detection level as none. You can now open Roblox.


Waiting for Roblox staff to unblock completely but I don’t like GeForce overlay that much, I had to “solve” it before by ticking “Microsoft Detours API hooking”


thanks this worked

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