ROBLOX doesn't detect Vive VR headset

Whenever I launch a ROBLOX game, even an empty baseplate with no corescript overrides, ROBLOX launches in desktop mode and not in VR. How can I run it in VR with my HTC Vive? ROBLOX only provides instructions for the Rift.

Edit: See later posts for more info on the issue.

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I just plug mine in and it launches in VR automatically.

Make sure Steam is open and SteamVR is turned on.

SteamVR was enabled. I don’t know why, but for some reason I was having trouble running non-steam games in general. When I added another game manually to steam and launched it from there, that fixed the issue somehow, and VR mode opens properly now.

Edit: Nevermind – that’s not a guaranteed fix. Problem happened again. 90% of the time this headset on my head is dealing with connectivity issues…

Steam VR says everything is A Okay, but ROBLOX is still starting up in desktop mode:

I don’t think Vive support has been shipped to production. @0xBAADF00D

It works perfectly fine for me.

Including using the Vive controllers to move around.

I stand corrected ;).

We’ve had some issues with SteamVR updates, if I remember correctly. I’m not sure on the status for a fix for this one, I’ll have to check into it.


Potentially related to performance. I enabled warnings, and whenever I boot up a ROBLOX game I get a warning saying the game is performing poorly even though that’s not the case if I actually play it. What I think may be happening is ROBLOX uses a lot of resources in an instant when loading and the Vive assumes it will always have performance issues, and prevents it from running in VR.

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