I was able to find a post similar to this problem which has it in more detail but there are no solutions or responses. What is happening? I also get a random error message, and upon checking the temporary files the dump file isn’t there.
Images i screenshotted
Any help is appreciated, but for now I have to use the microsoft version which has many flaws
Yeah, i had the same error, but now im using bloxstrap (i guess it fixed error), before the bloxstrap i was using microsoft version. Microsoft version fixes it because of 32bit no hyperion and roblox launcher has 64bit yes hyperion, at post i’ve read a roblox employee answered, that its problem of hyperion and said to use microsoft version.
I went to download Bloxstrap and it seemed to work but when I try joining a game it says this:
before it closes and then this opens:
FIXED IT, I restarted my pc, also bloxstrap seems better