Roblox Error Code 288: Unable to do a SoftShutdown

  1. What do you want to achieve? To be able to SoftShutdown and not lose players.

  2. What is the issue? Unable to do a SoftShutdown.



I think this is because BindToClose() doesn’t fire when there’s only one player in the game (as seen in another topic)

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when i shutdown a server, for an update, it restarts to servers, “SoftShutdown”. It should reconnect everyone to the server for the update. This error is shown and would not work.

There was 2 Players in the game - Me, and my alt account.

I think this happens because everyone gets reconnected, but since everyone has different teleporting times, the server is still up, and when everyone reconnects, they end up in the server they just left, but that server gets shut down since it was closing after everyone left it.


Ah, that makes loads of sense, thanks.

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