Roblox Error Code 773

This image above has been occurring in my game for the past days and I can’t figure out how to get it to stop. Has anyone else been having the same problem? If so how did you fix it? None of my places are restricted as well. Thank you.

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The game tries to teleport the player to a place they have no permission to join(for example it may be private, under review by Roblox, etc). Something you could try if you don’t know already is to check which specific place causes the teleport error by simply printing the place id/name before attempting the teleport to the console, then you can check the configurations of that place on the site just in case.


My game has been under review a few times but I don’t think or know if that’s the issue also I’m going to do the check you told me to do!

If you haven’t added teleports into your game, this means that an unauthorized script in your game (probably from a malicious model) is attempting to teleport players to another game (probably one under review or content deleted). To fix this issue, simply search for all scripts in your games and find the one teleporting players, then delete it. Alternatively, you can go through every model in your game, right click, and disable scripts.

Earlier I searched for malicious scripts but I didn’t see any. I’ll check again and see if that was the caused.