Roblox error memory dump?


My friend has this weird issue, he can’t play roblox because of this.

He wants to know how to fix it please help guys.

Hes watched 5 tutorials and can’t seem to fix it :thinking:


thats hyperion detecting cheats/something that reads and tries to write in roblox memory (malware possibly?)

@Bitdancer will help you i just pinged him here he might get more active in this topic

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hmm ill ask my friend, he said he has never installed cheats or touched team

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yes thats why i think that it might be malware or some computer virus

still i don’t know much about roblox’s anti tamper so if you want to ask questions or want to resolve this issue i recommend privately chatting with @Bitdancer

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Hello Maxwell Steele,

This is indeed a Hyperion crash dump. Please upload it to Google Drive or any other file sharing site and send me a DM with the location.


He fixed it my bad for not replying.


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