Roblox Face I imagined

I call it “Confused Noob” face. You can do whatever you want with it just give feedback :v:

Yes i realize it kinda sucks
Update: heres a transparent image incase you wanna upload a decal of it! 164429A0-A0EA-4C1F-9429-60A71A2E40F7-removebg-preview


lol just make it a decal then we can use it

K one second. Are you planning to use it or just a suggestion?

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just a suggestion actually. e.

Ooo, this would be pretty handy as a decal! I could see myself using it at some point! Nice job :happy2:

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If you want it i just updated with a transparent image of it. (People are gonna have to upload as a decal on their own cause atm my computer is in the shop :sweat_smile:)