Roblox False Termination?

I want to get this looked into to see if this is a false roblox termination or not so I can get my friend’s account unbanned.

My friend, “DevSnek” was terminated on 11/29/23 for the DMCA repeat infringer policy, although my friend said that she didn’t get any DMCA takedowns from the past 6 months, which is weird, since the strikes get taken down in the next 6 months when it is received.

I looked into my browser of the exact same moderator note, but it didn’t show anything. I searched up the DMCA repeat infringer policy in the forums. I found one post related to the issue, but no solution was there.

My friend also got a DMCA takedown on 2/24/23, but that’s the only one that happened this year. So, I’m very confused and I would like to get this situation looked into by the roblox mods. If you have any details on this issue, PLEASE reply to this post.
Thank you.

What exactly was the DMCA about?

We aren’t sure, they didn’t give any offensive item, they just banned my friend like that


This may be the root cause,


That’s not the cause. The moderator note would be different + you would go through all stages of bans before you get terminated.

Since your friend supposedly doesn’t have received any email, contact Roblox Support and ask for a copy of the DMCA notice.

As of now Roblox Support has still not replied to the situation, so we are still waiting on that. Thank you for the correction.