Roblox Fanart/Realistic Type Render

I recently made my first realistic type gfx today and I want some feedback!

Last GFX

If you want to hire me, here is my portfolio

Recent GFX


I would appreciate replies and criticism!

I really like the colors of the GFX. Complimented well. The grass is well done and the character is nicely rendered.

As for the Anime Fight one, that is really well done nice job! But I don’t know if it’s my bad vision but the bottom right corner bothers me. It looks like a purple blur in the bottom right. Let me know if I just need new glasses but other than that, love the GFX.

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It was supposed to be a smoke effect but I probably made it too blurry. I was just showing the previous one to show progress, not necessarily asking for feedback, but thanks anyway!


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Ah I see, if you just touch that up a bit the picture would be perfect no flaws. Well done keep it up!

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This looks stunning! The lighting and shading is almost perfect for me. Nice job!

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Working on a new one currently! I will show it in a new post soon!

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For your first time, this is actually pretty nice. Could improve for sure, but for starting off with realistic renders, you definetly have a head start.

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Thank you, any tips on how I could improve?

For the ‘recent gfx’ one, the grain on the image lowers the realistic effect, I suggest editing the render settings. And the clouds seem out of place, I don’t know what it is. And if you’re going for something realistic maybe use a grass material rather than the thick/blocky grass like the rocks are actually rocks in the first one, the grass in that one should actually be grass. Hopefully that makes sense.

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I normally lower the render setting to make it quicker (5 minutes instead of 40 minutes) I don’t have the best computer so I kind of have to lol!

But thanks for the other tips,

Don’t really understand this, but do you mean I add more texture to the grass? And smoothen them out?

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Like use a grass material rather than a grass mesh.

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Do you mean this? Just a flat image with a normal map?

(I used this then added grass with a particle system on top of it)

That’s pretty good for a gfx. I love the realism vibe it gives off. Here are some tips you can use to improve your gfx and upcoming future gfx.


When I zoom into the GFX, the first thing I see is noise.
If you don’t know what noise is, it’s basically the grainy texture all over the gfx. In fact, you could zoom in anywhere and see the grainy texture all over. Well besides the cloud which I believe is edited. Correct me if I’m wrong.

So how can we get rid of this?
There is a method call denoising. I’m not sure what program you used for the gfx but I do know a denoising tutorial on youtube for the program Blender.

If you use any other program search up tutorials on how to denoise at that program or how to reduce the noise on your gfx. Then you will be able to receive sharp clean looking gfx.


Looking at your past gfx, it seems that you have experience with effect. Ever thought of adding a sunray or lens flare to your recent gfx?


You don’t always have to have a lightning effect on the gfx. Some effects can be as simple as that! It will help make the gfx pop out to look stunning.

Props and Decor

Right now the main subject is the person. The set is the hill and grass all over with the cloudy sky. Looks pretty good right? But it feels, simple?

You want to add more things, more decor to make it a bit more interesting. But you want only the hill vibe. What you can do is add rocks. Designate an area for rocks. Put some grass around it. Maybe instead of covering the whole hill, create a path with the grass. Have the subject stand on the path.

If you can’t imagine what I mean by this, here a quick sketch:

Your gfx are amazing though!! Those are some tips I have suggested for you. Keep up the amazing work. Can’t wait to see more from you. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Just want to point out, I know how to get rid of noise, but my computer is really crappy and I just wanted to render this quickly, but thanks for the feedback.

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Also the clouds were a part of an HDRI

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I honestly have no feedback for you since I think both GFXs are just right, but I have a question, how did you get the background in the back for the second one?

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Used an HDRI aka skybox or environmental texture. You can download them for free here

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The ROBLOX head looks like floating. :hushed:
btw looks great! :smile:

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