Roblox FFlag Watcher

I had a few days where I wanted to attempt something that I’ve seen, but it is not open source.

So, I decided to try and make it as close as I could!

This watcher needs an empty repository to initialize first, it will make a baseplate for future updates to go off of.

After the repo is initialized, it should look like this:

After the repo is initialized, it will exit the process. Go into the src/index.ts and comment out the initializeRepo line and uncomment the init function line.

I’m hoping for the most part the .env setup is self-explanatory, but that is where you setup the base configuration for time interval checks, git auth token, and the webhook configuration for discord.

Please respect the rate limits If there’s any issues, please feel free to post below and I will try my best to resolve!


Where as this does look cool, what even is it? I dont know what an “FFlag Watcher” is and it looks cool so I am asking!


No worries!
FastFlags (also known has FFlags) and Dynamic FastFlags (also known as DFFlags) are a simple method for enabling/disabling new features. They usually are behind the scenes and some are pre-emptive for future updates.


Omg yes I was just thinking how I needed something like this! Ill totally check it out

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Aye! There is also a really good one here: Roblox Trackers

But it’s not open source. If someone is wanting to have more customization on the webhook such as channel specific for the platform-settings, they can fiddle around with the code a bit to fit that.

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Interesting, but beware that FFlags can and have been used to exploit games. Afaik it’s not like legitimate cheats are being done with this, but I have seen noclip and invis. Just letting you know!

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This is not how fflags exactly work, sure you can use things for the wrong reason but thats more like a “hack” (the other definition) than an “exploit.” Most if not all fflags are made for debug purposes so it makes sense that some can be easily abused, but they will still be needed for other reasons (change your fps, etc.) unless they are so absurdly broken that there is no logical point in keeping them.


I think you need to change the name of the resource, Roblox FFlag Watcher sounds like an automatic FFlag changer like Bloxstrap, Maybe add “GitHub” to the name so people get less confused

What is the rate limit of the watcher?, also does this require a discord bot to do so?

It is a pretty cool resource if you need someone to watch the FFlags change.

This is an automatic watcher, no where does it mention being a FFlag changer…?

The rate limits for it are unknown as roblox doesn’t make it known for clientsettings, so I would recommend pinging every 5 minutes for an update just to be sure. You can link a webhook to have it post updates.

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I think @evaera already open sourced their fast flag watcher, good resource though !

Considering eva’s uses a database, not sure people are keen on paying to host it or have the space locally to.

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That database has been archived, it won’t work when a new fast flag is created.

It’s self hosted, people can host it themselves.