Roblox filter being WAY too sensitive. Is there a alternative?

I apologize in advance is this is the wrong category.

So, I am currently working on a game where the main feature is that users can input code, and run it locally. I included Roblox’s filter to check if the code has any inappropriate content. However, when I did this, it would censor out the simplest things such as print("Hello world").

(The server run feature is planned to be for developers / manually verified users only. Don’t worry, server script checks the player’s userID before executing the script. I am also adding a word-blacklist system so that users cant access most services using this such as DataStoreService)

I was wondering if there was anything I could change without breaking Roblox TOS.
It is my understanding that as long as the author is the only one who sees the text, it doesn’t have to be filtered. However, I prefer to find some way to filter the text, because I also want to add a save/load system, which will then require a filter to not trigger Roblox’s auto-moderation system.

--Function that filters the code (the basic/default one)
function filter(text, lp)
	local obj
	local result
	local success, errormessage  = pcall(function()
		obj = TextService:FilterStringAsync(text, lp.UserId, 1)
		result = obj:GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync()
	if success then
		return result
		warn("Error filtering script: "..errormessage)
	return false

I have tried changing the context (I don’t know if that affects the sensitivity) which also doesn’t work.

You can’t adjust or remove the roblox filter, otherwise you would be banned.

HOWEVER, if the code is run locally only, you could probably just not implement the filtering, as what is shown to the user is what the user typed in.


Yeah, I am aware of that.
However, I also hope that I can implement a save/load feature, which won’t be possible without a filter.

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I don’t think datastores are filtered, so why would it cause an issue

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Well if the text is what the client entered it shouldn’t need to go through filtering, right?
It’s still what they input, and other users don’t see it: I think you should be fine without the filtering.

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I heard somewhere that since the datastores are managed by Roblox, when the server is setting/getting the datastore, the unfiltered content might trigger Roblox’s auto-moderation.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Perhaps I should ask a moderator about this?

I haven’t heard anything about datastores being moderated, and haven’t encountered issues with that before. If Roblox DID moderate datastores, that would just cause the corruption of lots and lots of data, which would cause Roblox to lose lots of players.

Perhaps I should ask a moderator about this?

They won’t respond :slight_smile:

I guess I’ll hold off on the data saving part (better not taking any risks).

Alright. If you are concerned, just create a blacklist of words, such as swear words and stuff.

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