Roblox Force Launches in VR... Again

Bumping the thread - is still currently an issue.


It’s been nearly two months. This is incredibly frustrating and is causing wear on my vr cables. If I could at least get a response from roblox staff to know that this is being worked on it would mean a lot.


For those who needs a temporary fix which disables Roblox VR. Open your File Explorer, Head into “C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local” and then scroll down until you find a folder named “openvr”. Delete this and Roblox should launch normally without in VR.

Keep in mind that this folder will reappear whenever you launch your pc or play SteamVR. As long as you delete it before you launch Roblox, everything should be fine.

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Haven’t tried this yet, but if this works then this is huge for me - still annoying, but my biggest concern has been wearing out the connectors for my vr headset as they are known to be rather sensitive. Thank you!

Edit, can confirm this works BUT it requires I reset my pc in order to use vr on anything again. Still, better than causing wear on my cables, but not ideal.

EDIT2: Simply restarting steam can get vr working again, so this is relatively minor in that light

Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

I’m just hoping the fix is taking this long because they’re working on something permanent

It’s a real pain. I didn’t wanted to repeat the same process of deleting the folder everytime so I just made a .bat file that does it for me. (I looked up how to make it.)

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Over two months later and it’s still an issue.

I also made a bat file to fix this issue - open notepad, enter this in, and replace the folderaddress and robloxappaddress with the actual directories, respectively, and save the file as .bat

This deletes openvr and starts roblox studio automatically (You do have to re-enter the second address when roblox updates, so just the first line works for removing the file if you’d prefer that)

rd /s /q “FolderAddressHere”
start RobloxAppAddressHere


This issue is still occurring (on both studio and the normal client), my current fix is as follows:
Navigate to Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common and rename the “SteamVR” folder to something else, I chose “SteamVRDISABLED”. SteamVR will no longer launch under any circumstance. Beware, when SteamVR updates it will create a new folder and ignore the old “disabled” folder (reversing the fix). If you want to re-enable vr, just rename the original folder back to “SteamVR” and it will launch normally.

Of course this is not a total fix, but its better than disabling openvr or physically unplugging cables.